



十二峰 双语例句

1. 公司座落在风景秀丽的南岳七十二峰之首——迥雁峰下,美丽的湘江河畔,京广铁路、京珠、户昆高速、107国道均在此交叉汇合,交通十分便捷。
    The company lies to the beautiful bank of Xiangjing River and at the foot of Hui Yang Mountain which is the first peak among the 72 ones in Nan Yue. And the traffic is very convenient, Jing-Guang Railway, the Beijng-Zhuhai and Jin-Kun high-speed, 107 State Road all in this cross-concourse.

2. 十二峰在线翻译

2. 长江巫山十二峰,我巫山神女站当中!
    Wushan Yangtze 12 summit, which stands Wushan Goddess!

3. 两岸山势奇绝,连绵不断,巫山十二峰,各峰有各峰的姿态,人们给它们以很高的美的评价和命名,显然使我们的江山增加了诗意,而诗意又是变化无穷的。
    Each far-stretching range on either side is superb, each of the twelve Wu peaks has its special beauty. For centuries nature-lovers have valued them highly and given them charming names, adding poetry to our landscape, and a poetry of infinite variety.

4. 十二峰的意思

4. 九寨沟景区面积62平方公里,现游览区面积50平方公里,以三沟一百一十八海为代表,包括五滩十二瀑,十流数十泉等水景为主景,与九寨十二峰联合组成高山河谷自然景观。
    Jiuzhaigou scenic area of 62 square kilometers, is an area of 50 sq km jan, a three-Ditch 118 for delegates, 12 including five waterfalls, beaches, dozens of 10 streams such as Luk King featured mainly with Jiuzhai-12 joint alpine valleys natural landscape.

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5. 衡山山势雄伟,绵延数百公里,号称有七十二峰,其中以祝融、天柱、芙蓉、紫盖、石禀五座最有名。
    Mountain majestic mountains, stretching several hundred kilometers, which claims to have 72 peaks, with Vulcan, Tianzhu, Lotus, purple cover, stone intrinsic five most famous.

6. 巫峡位于四川省巫山县与湖北省巴东县之间,全长42公里,山高入云,有巫山十二峰擅奇全国。
    Wu Gorge is located in Wushan County, Sichuan Province and Badong County in Hubei Province, 42 km in length, goes into the high mountains, there are12 peaks Wushan good at all surprising.

7. 十二峰的翻译

7. 巫山十二峰分别座落在巫峡的窍北两岸,是巫峡最著名的风景点。
    Twelve were located in Wushan peak in the North-South cross-strait Wu Gorge, Wu Gorge is the most famous scenic spots.
