


词典Northern Opera北曲。

北曲 双语例句

1. 第二,在音韵的要求上,晚宋时期,对字的平仄要求是,辨四声五音,分阴阳北曲则以中州音韵为准,即平声分阴阳,入声字分别派入平、上、去三声。
    Second, the requirements of music, the late Song period, the requirements of Level and Oblique Tones word is that the four tones identified pentameter, at the North Qu Yin and Yang are Zhongzhou phonology for prospective, that is, sub-level tone of yin and yang, entering tone words were sent into the flat, the last three times.

2. 至金代,一种新的诗歌体裁———曲,迅速发展成熟,确立了庞大的北曲音乐体系,这一音乐体系被戏曲家接受,成为元杂剧的音乐载体,而其文体形式———散曲,由于功能的多样化,也很容易演变成剧套,成为戏曲文学的重要构成部分———剧曲。
    Up to the Jin Dynasty, a new poetic genre, that is the singing verses, was quickly developed, forming a great musical system of northern singing verses, which was accept...

3. 北曲

3. 昆曲北曲清唱《西厢记》赏花时,点绛唇及天下乐曲牌卫满易博士 4
    Kunqu Northern Lyrics from Xixiangji (`The West Chamber`) Shanghuashi

4. 院本杂剧、诸宫调和俗谣俚曲尤以崭新面貌和杰出成就出现在文学史上,对于北曲的形成和走向产生了影响。
    The Jin dramas and folk songs gave a fresh presence and stood out in Chinese literary history, influencing the shaping and development of Bei qu (northern tune).

5. 北曲

5. 本文认为,北曲杂剧是在金政权南迁汴梁后逐渐趋向成熟的,金朝南京(开封)是名副其实的中华戏剧之都。
    This paper believes that northern drama was gradually mature after the Jin Regime migrated to Bianliang, the southern capital of Jin dynasty (what is now Kaifeng) which was the real capital of Chinese drama.

6. 北曲的翻译

6. 戏曲音乐的主体是声腔艺术,而戏曲声腔艺术,则萌芽于金、元时期的北曲与南戏。
    The art of operatic tune is the main part of operatic music.

7. 她的散曲多是直抒胸臆,恣肆奔放,以豪放的北曲为主要创作方式。
    Her works is bold and unrestrained, and this is the mainly creation tendency.

8. 北曲

8. 本文有关南北曲同明清小曲、聊斋俚曲的关系的论述,对明清小曲、聊斋俚曲研究也有普遍的意义。
    The discussion should have a universal significance to the study of Ming and Qing ditties and to that of folk songs in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi as well.

9. 北曲的近义词

9. 北曲杂剧成熟的关键是曲牌联套音乐体制的确立,形成于北宋时期的诸宫调是北曲的不祧之祖,而其由词调向曲调的转化是在金代多民族音乐融会变革的历史进程中完成的。
    The key to the maturation of northern drama is the establishment of system that set poetic drama to music, the forefather of which is Zhu Gong Tune in North Song Dynasty. The shift from poetry to music is completed in the historical process of the merging of different national music in Jin Dynasty.

10. 北曲

10. 这几种曲唱形式在北曲乃至元杂剧形成的过程中发挥了重要的艺术功用。
    These songs had played important artistic roles in the process of the formation of songs in north China and dramas in Yuan Dynasty.

11. 北曲的意思

11. 南音演唱行腔吐字规律管见但其南音化程度尚属早期,所以,《太古传宗》乐谱对于北曲音乐的研究仍是现存较早的不可多得的善本。
      A View of Singing Tune and Pronunciation of Nan Ying (Southern Music) However, the influence by the southern music was so little that the music of Tai Gu Chuan Zong is the rare reliable early music for the studies of northern music.
