1. 大伙儿看到来者如此狂妄,早已吓坏了,哪儿还有什么人胆敢伸出手去把他抓住啊?因此,这个不速之客竟然通行无阻的走到王爷面前,相距咫尺。这时,那一帮子跳舞的人都情不自禁的纷纷从屋子中间退避到墙跟前,他就趁此脚不停步的朝前走,步子还是象先前那样不同寻常,既稳重,又匀调,一步一步的走出蓝色的一间屋子,走到紫红色的一间,出了紫红色的一间又走进橙黄色的一间,由此又走进白色的一间,再由此走进紫罗兰色的一间,于是王爷才决定采取行动逮住他。
But from a certain nameless awe with which the mad assumptions of the mummer had inspired the whole party, there were found none who put forth a hand to seize him; so that, unimpeded, he passed within a yard of the prince's person; and while the vast assembly, as with one impulse, shrank from the centers of the rooms to the walls, he made his way uninterruptedly, but with the same solemn and measured step which had distinguished him from the first, through the blue chamber to the purple -- to the purple to the green -- through the green to the orange -- through this again to the white -- and even thence to the violet, ere a decided movement had been made to arrest him.
2. 匀调什么意思
2. 用手转动泵轴,看转动是否匀调。
Rotating pump shaft by hand to see whether the uniform.
3. 论说巴黎的布置已比伦敦罗马匀调得多了,可是比上北平还差点事儿。
The layout of Paris is much more balanced than that of London and Rome, but not as good as that of Peiping.
4. 圆脸,眉眼长得很匀调,没有什么特别出色的地方,可是结结实实的并不难看。
There was nothing particularly striking about her, but her round face and shapely eyebrows and eyes gave her a wholesome appearance.
5. 匀调
5. 论说巴黎的布置已比伦敦罗马匀调的多了,可是比上北平还差点事儿。
The pattern of Paris is more well-distributed than that of London and Roman, but it still has a long way to go before catching up with Peiping.
6. 论说 巴黎的布置已比伦敦罗马匀调的多了,可是比上北平还差点事儿。
People say that the lay out of Paris is much better than that of London and Rome, but still has a gap to fill when compared with Peiping.
7. 匀调
7. 动中有静自然,固然巴黎有很多地方很疲乏,所以咖啡和酒是必要的,以便刺激;在北平,又温和的香片茶就够了论说巴黎的布置已比伦敦罗马匀调多了,可是比上北平还差点事儿。
To be sure While Parisians have to turn to coffee or wine for the relief of boredom caused by so many wearisome places in their city, the mild beverage o jasmine tea will be more than adequate for dwellers of Peiping..
8. 匀调什么意思
8. 气相色谱在白酒分析中的广泛应用,能为白酒生产及匀调起到很大的指导作用。
Gas chromatograph analysis plays important roles in guiding liquor production and liquor blending.