

勉为其难[miǎn wéi qí nán]

词典undertake to do a difficult job as best one can勉为其难。


词典be forced to do a difficult thing勉为其难。


词典make shift to ...勉为其难。


词典manage to do a difficult job beyond one's reach勉为其难。

勉为其难 汉英大词典

勉为其难[miǎn wéi qí nán]

undertake to do a difficult job as best one can; be forced to do a difficult thing; make shift to ...; manage to do a difficult job beyond one's reach; (persuade sb. to) take up an onerous work [task]; make the best of a bad job; contrive with difficulty

勉为其难 网络解释

1. Reluctance:时代性Relevance | 勉为其难Reluctance | 重复Repetition

2. He had to bite the bullet and give in to his boss'sunreasonable demands:knock someone's socks off 意思是令人惊奇,以致印象深... | bite the bullet 勉为其难. He had to bite the bullet and give in to his boss'sunreasonable demands. | drive someone up a wall 惹人恼火. my father ...
