

劳什子[láo shí zi]


词典a hated thing劳什子。

劳什子 汉英大词典

劳什子[láo shí zi]

[方] (使人讨厌的东西) nuisance; a hated thing

劳什子 双语例句

1. 劳什子的意思

1. 修建这样一个劳什子,施工很大一部分都在水下的沙地里,花上陆地建筑三到五倍的时间,造出来的东西却可能只有50年寿命。
    To put up such a structure, working largely under sand-filled water, costs three to five times what it would on land for perhaps 50 years of life.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 因为商人们加入的议会都是些无权的劳什子,对这些变化大吹大擂是不对的。
    Since the parliaments the businessmen are joining are pretty toothless affairs, it would be wrong to make extravagant claims for changes like this.

3. 美——只见他满脸放光,奕奕地穿破灶火烟儿的纤云,照耀着我们,看他这么光彩照人地拌材料,配剂量,品味道,造的不像料酒劳什子的,倒俨然子孙万万世的家业。
    It was wonderful to see his face shining at us out of a thin cloud of these delicate fumes, as he stirred, and mixed, and tasted, and looked as if he were making, instead of punch, a fortune for his family down to the latest posterity.

4. 劳什子的反义词

4. 加上我申请移民的时间在内,我到加国的时间还不到一年,为什么要一再地到处要这个劳什子东西?
    I have been here for less than one year, plus I sent all this when I applied for immigration, so why now they need it all over again?

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. 那根据那劳什子禁令,以后狱卒也不能用烟头来烫囚犯的手脚身躯了吧?
    So will they now prevent guards from stubbing out cigarettes on the arms, legs and backs of inmates?

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. 这劳什子大半都是超实数理论,差不多和一具泡了三千年朝天椒酱的埃及木乃伊一样容易消化。
    This kind of stuff is heavy on the surreal number theory: about as digestible as an Egyptian mummy soaked in tabasco sauce for three thousand years.

7. 你可以不买那些劳什子衣服,其实我唯一担心的只是票价毕竟俱乐部还没有公布本赛季票价,因此衣服并不直接影响到我。
    You don't have to buy them, the only thing that concerns me is the ticket prices and the club have not put them up this season, so it doesn't directly affect me.

8. 这是什么劳什子
    What on earth is that?

9. 把你的那些劳什子放下,来亲亲吧。
    Put your stupid stuff away and give me some.

10. 我喜欢每天停车的时候停一辆LAMBO,而不是什么日产的劳什子
    I would rather pull up in the Lambo anyday than be forced to pull up in a Nissan yuck.

11. 劳什子

11. 这是什么劳什子
      You: what does ninjas mean?

12. 比你贡献大多了的人都没有竖什么劳什子像。
      Contribute than you mostly the person did not set upright what nuisance to resemble.

13. 劳什子的翻译

13. 一开始,她为了引人注目而用这些劳什子谎话来欺骗同学,而现在呢?
      She even told people that she wrote her own recommendations for college applications.

14. 你就是今天那个什么劳什子新娘咯?
      So, you`re the bride……thing today, huh?
