

劝架[quàn jià]


词典try to stop people from fighting each other拉仗;劝架;拉架。


词典mediate between two quarrelling parties劝架。

劝架 汉英大词典

劝架[quàn jià]


try to stop people from fighting each other; mediate between two quarrelling parties

劝架 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 平时,喜欢安静的我,怎么不来劝架呢。
    Normally, I like the quiet, how not to Quanjia it.

2. 有时,我又去帮忙劝架
    Once in a while, I`ll be asked to assist with breaking up a fight.

3. 有时,我又去帮忙劝架
    Once in a while, I`ll be question to assist with breaking up a fight.

4. 我出去想劝架
    LAURlANE: I went to see and try to break it up.

5. 谁去把那个想劝架的人干倒。
    Who the hell would knock down the guy that trying to break up the fight?

6. 周围近500名围观者不但不打算劝架,还不停地助威或起哄,因为他们是专门付费前来观战的。
    The crowd of nearly 500 did little to interfere, as they had paid to be there.

7. 劝架的解释

7. 最后,我终于看不下去了,在他们对对方造成严重伤害之前,我站起身来过去劝架
    Finally I couldn`t stand it anymore. I got up and walked over to stop the fight before they did themselves serious damage.

8. 说话的人在解释他一个朋友怎样好心给姐妹俩劝架,结果反而惹火烧身,给自己招来了麻烦。
    The whole family got mad at him and now nobody will even speak to him.

9. 劝架

9. 我尽母亲职责做那些烦人的家务、在雨里站在球场边为继子女们打气、为他们劝架、有病的要治好,还要跟他们排难解纷---从女孩们的丢三落四,到谁的身上生了皮疹。
    I`ve done my share of delousing and standing on the touchline in the rain, separating fights, clearing up sick and talking through various problems, from oblivious girls to trunk rash.

10. 但是有四个女儿的父母们却表示他们平均每天要劝架四次。
    But parents of four girls reported refereeing an average of four fights a day.

11. 劝架的意思

11. 约翰,你怎么不上去劝架
      John, why don't you stop them fighting?
