1. aastricht 艺术集市的主席 Janssens 先生则举办了一场精美的漆器展,多数展品为红黑剔犀漆器。
RJanssens, the chairman of the Maastricht art fair, had an exquisite show of lacquerware, most of it layered tixi lacquer in black and red.
2. 剔犀
2. 进入明朝以后,尤其明中叶,剔犀,剔红,剔彩,款彩,彩绘等工艺大量使用在漆家具上。
After entering the Ming Dynasty, in particular, the mid-Ming, rhinoceros tick, tick red, lacquer ware, color models, painting and other craft large-scale use in the paint furniture.
3. 新绛云雕、螺钿:云雕产品,是一种雕漆工艺品,是山西民间家庭摆设品,旧称剔犀。
Cloud xin jiang carving, Lo Tin: Product Cloud sculpture is a carved lacquer handicrafts, home furnishings are Shanxi goods, formerly rhinoceros tick.