




剑气 网络解释


2. Soul Blade:大地之斩 Blast Blade | 剑气 Soul Blade | 体力强化 Endure

剑气 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 只见几道猛烈的火焰向童博射去,童博闪过两道,然后打碎一个花盆,把花盆碎片向火焰射口准确的打过去,火焰机关是靠射出点燃的油,出口一但被堵,就一个个自己炸毁了,之后童博不知察觉什麼突然向上跃起,地面立刻向上垂直射出许多钢矛,要是武功稍差之人,一定被插成刺猬一样,可是童博双手持剑向下用力一劈,猛烈的剑气不但震开所有钢矛,还把地面打出个浅坑,童博落在浅坑中,一转身向墙边跑了过去
    Several fierce flames are shot to Po. He dodged two then breaks a flowerpot. He makes accurate shot with pieces of broken flowerpot to the outlet of flames. Flaming mechnisms are operated with burning oil so they explodes one by one since the outlets have been obstructed. Later, Po seems to notice something and jumps upward all at once. As soon as he jumped, many steel spears shoot out vertically. A person with inferior martial art must be stabbed into a hedgehog shape. Po, though, shocks away all spears with a heavy both-handed slash which sends out intense collision energy and even makes a shallow pit on the ground. Po lands in the pit then runs to the wall.

2. 都是主张气、剑结合,但是一派是以气为主,认为你要打斗的话,要以气为主,剑气结合。
    Are advocating gas, with the sword, but one faction of the main gas that you have to fight it, mainly to gas, Jianqi combination.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 那又能怎么样呢,我的能量剑化剑为掌,一连攻出十六掌,震开他们的剑气
    So what, my energy sword changes to palm and company to attack 16 palms to shake their sword Qi.

4. 确切地来讲,它正在散发不祥的剑气
    Actually it's emitting an ominous energy.

5. 波动2连砍:需要3段剑气。49级就能学到。
    Double Sonic Slash: Changed to use 3 charges.

6. 波动风暴:变更:0剑气就可以直接使用,不过现在需要3个能量石。
    Sonic Storm: Changed to use 0 charges. Now consumes 3 energy stones.

7. 剑气

7. 我学舞的时候LA和NY的区别还没有像现在这样吵得不可开交,貌似在很多地方已经变成华山剑气二宗之争了。
    Life is random - iPod shuffle hence came. For me, I just live and enjoy what I am experiencing.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 无数道剑气和激光像地狱之手一样,不断地向我们三人召唤着,在我们身上留下了许多道伤口。
    The innumerable sword Qi and leasers are like the hand of hell and unceasingly summon to our three people, which has left many wounds on our bodies.

9. 剑气的翻译

9. 巨阙 Juque 巨阙,黑剑士胜七的巨剑,此剑钝而厚重,巨大无比,通体漆黑,因其势不可挡的强大剑气得名。
    Ju Que, Black Swordsman win seven of the Sword, Cijian blunt and heavy, huge and dark quintana, named for its irresistible power Jian Qi.

10. 千古文人侠客梦,这是东方文人追求的最高审美境界,而此种境界的表征即是剑气箫心,笔者将从剑箫二者在中国文学史上的审美意义出发,对龚自珍诗词中大量出现的剑箫意象进行审美关照,厘定剑箫在龚自珍诗词的中的审美意义。
    Eternity writer knight dream, This is the highest esthetic boundary which the Eastern writer pursues. But this kind of boundary attribute is the sword is mad the Xiao heart, The author will embark from the sword Xiao two in the Chinese history of literature esthetic significance, The sword Xiao image massively appears which to the Gong Zizhen poetry in carries on esthetically looks after. Arranges regulate the sword Xiao in the Gong Zizhen poetrycenter sthetic significance.

11. 龚自珍;千古文人侠客客梦;剑气箫心
      Eternity writer knight dream; The sword mad andXiao heart; Esthetic

12. 119的挂技能合欢杀挂技能了的青云,就算爆了,也就杀再4000之内,多半管,可自己已经中了天诛剑气掉了3000~4000,然后是怒剑狂花,练杀红带烧红,有3000~4000,合欢也就快挂了,一平砍就躺了,而自己大约还有1000~2000的红,而蓝就不好说了,除了运气好的合欢连出2个爆,否则就躺。
      Acacia skills linked to the killing of the Albatron linked skills, even if the burst, it re-killing of 4000, most of tubes, can they have in the剑气Tenchu out 3000~4000, followed by anger狂花sword, practice kill red with red-hot, there are 3000~4000, Acacia will be hung up quickly, cut down on a flat lying, and their approximately 1000~2000, red, and blue is not to say, except good luck even out Hehuan 2 a burst, or lie down.

13. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

13. 酒入愁肠,三分啸成剑气,七分化作月光,绣口一吐,就是半个盛唐。
      Wine into the feeling of sadness, one-third Xiao Cheng Jian Qi, seven points turned into the moonlight, embroidered mouth a spit, that is, half of the Tang Dynasty.

14. danci.911chaxun.com

14. 七分剑气三分月&辛弃疾词侠文化范式浅探土三七致肝小静脉闭塞病2例及文献复习
      Hepatic Veno-occlusive Disease Induced by Gynura Segetum: Two Cases Report and Literature Review

15. 剑气箫心亦刚亦柔&龚自珍诗歌审美风格简论
      Firm But Gentle Brief Comment on the Aesthetic Style of Gong Zizhen's Poems
