

前半天[qián bàn tiān]



前半天 汉英大词典

前半天[qián bàn tiān]


forenoon; morning

前半天 双语例句

1. 前半天的近义词

1. 周二、周三以及周四前半天,你会发现有障碍物会妨碍你的进展。
    On Tuesday and Wednesday and into the first half of Thursday, you'll find obstacles blocking your progress.

2. 今天的前半天跟昨天一样。
    The fronter half of today is the same as yesterday.

3. 周四、周五和周六前半天,有渐入佳境的可能。
    On Thursday, Friday and the first part of Saturday, count on having the odds in your favor.

4. 前半天是什么意思

4. 而且这种动量会伴你一整天,通常你一天中最重要的任务就会在前半天完成。
    That momentum will carry you throughout the day so by noon you`ve already got your most important tasks done.

5. 好消息有时过早发布了,英国收复这个港口的消息在守卫者实际投降前半天就宣布了。
    Good news sometimes was released prematurely, with the British recapture of the port announced half a day before defenders actually surrendered.

6. 好消息有时会提前发布,英国夺回港口这一消息就是在占领者真正投降的前半天发布的。
    Good news was sometimes released prematurely, with the British recapture of the port announced half a day before the defenders actually surrendered.

7. 好消息时常被过早发布,英国人攻占港口的消息,在港口守军真正投降前半天就被宣布了。
    Good news sometimes was released prematurely, with the British recapture of the port announced half a day before the defenders actually surrendered.
