词典go backward to secure personal gain:削尖脑袋。
1. 皮恩是个瘦小的孩子,为了生存下去,他要削尖脑袋去想办法。
Pin is a skinny kid who must keep his wits sharp in order to live.
2. 削尖脑袋是什么意思
2. 所有那些削尖脑袋向上爬的可耻行径!
All that vulgar social-climbing!
3. 削尖脑袋
3. 那个团体不欢迎她那种削尖脑袋钻了进来的方式。
The group didn't welcome the manner in which she chiselled her way in.
4. 世界杯结束后,许多欧洲顶级足球俱乐部都削尖脑袋想同他签约。
After the World Cup, many top European football clubs were trying to sign him.
5. 削尖脑袋
5. 即使这样,各地民营企业还削尖脑袋往里挤。
Even so, all over the private enterprises also削尖脑袋crowded inside.
6. 削尖脑袋什么意思
6. 然后,她跟随他到另一个俱乐部,在那里她去削尖脑袋想明白他的日期踢出来,让一个来源说,她甚至央求保安让她开机。
She then followed him to another club, where she went nuts trying to get his date kicked out, and a source says she even begged security to give her the boot.
7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
7. 有人说领导没一个好东西,可是你为什么还费尽苦心而削尖脑袋往上挤?
Some people say that the leadership did a good thing, but why do you still took great pains to try to get on the Qiaojiannaodai?
8. 削尖脑袋是什么意思
8. 世界杯结束后,许多欧洲顶级足球俱乐部都削尖脑袋想同他签约。
After the world cup, many top European football clu were trying to sign him.