

别号[bié hào]



别号 汉英大词典

别号[bié hào]

(名和字以外另起的称号) alias

别号 网络解释

1. alias:当所选择实体和别的实体紧挨在一起时可在按住CTRL键的同时,然后连续单击鼠标左键,这时紧挨在一起的实体依次高亮度显示,直到所选实体高亮度显示,再按下enter键(或单击鼠标右键),即选择了该答:为便于输入命令,省得记忆英文全名,可以用命令别号(ALIAS)来代替命令.

2. 别号什么意思

2. nickname:new 新的 | nickname 别号 | node 节点

3. aliasmoniker:aliasing 图形失真 | aliasmoniker 别号 | alibi 不在场证明辩解

4. biehao:别喊--biehan | 别号--biehao | 别开--biekai

别号 双语例句

1. 勃拉什维尔爱宠儿,她取了那样一个名字,是因为她到英国去过一趟;李士多里锺情于用花名作别名的大丽;法梅依奉瑟芬如天人,瑟芬是约瑟芬的简称;多罗米埃有芳汀,别号金发美人,因为她生得一头日光色的美发。
    Blachevelle loved Favourite, so named because she had been in England; Listolier adored Dahlia, who had taken for her nickname the name of a flower; Fameuil idolized Zephine, an abridgment of Josephine; Tholomyes had Fantine, called the Blonde, because of her beautiful, sunny hair.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 他们选择长居网吧,并被冠上网吧难民这个别号。2001年网络收费下降,网吧的市场越来激增,逐步取代漫画吧。
    The moment a new generation of non-paper skin in a house downtown, and their choice of domicile Internet cafes and Internet cafes of refugees to this alias moniker.2001 network rates down, the market Yuelai proliferation of Internet cafes, and gradually replace the comic bar.

3. 唐英 字俊公,别号俊公、俊公氏、隽公、叔子、蜗寄、蜗寄老人、陶成君士人,陶人、榷陶使用者等。
    Tang Ying (Jun Gong being his assumed name, 1682-1756): He was also called Shu Zi, WO ji, Old man Wo Ji, Tao Chengjun, Tao Ren and Emissary Que Tao.

4. 他有一个别号,叫稼轩。
    He had both literary and military talents.

5. 任何配件和材料散件应配备随附识别号的金属标牌,用金属链牢固固定。
    Any fittings and material shipped loose shall have a metal tag with identifying number securely affixed by means of metal chain.

6. 表达自我的方式:室名别号与文人心态解读&兼以徐渭为例
    An Expressing Fashion: the Relationship between Study's Names, Nicknames and the Literati's Psychology & Taking Xu Wei as an Example

7. 别号的翻译

7. 别号令我,你个混蛋。
    Don't tell me what to do, you little piece of shit.

8. 室名别号所蕴含的意象,往往是文人毕生精神的寄托。
    The image embodied in these names is usually the spirit which the literati pursues in their whole life.

9. 别号

9. 文人有意识地为自己取室名别号是一个编码过程,读者解读室名别号则是一个解码过程。
    It is an encoding process for the literati to have study's name or nickname consciously, but a decoding process for the reader to interpret them.

10. 别号在线翻译

10. 英俊的外表和吉卜赛风格的穿着让他迅速走红,他的大批粉丝称其为“中国最帅气的流浪汉”,而叫得最多的别号还是“犀利哥”。
    His prominent cheekbones and bohemian clothes quickly won him a legion of fans who called him " China's Sexiest Tramp " and, most often, " Brother Sharp ".

11. 一八二一年初,各地报纸都刊出了迪涅主教,“别号卞福汝大人”,米里哀先生逝世的消息。他是在八十二岁的高龄入圣的。
      At the beginning of1820 the newspapers announced the death of M. Myriel, Bishop of D &, surnamed " Monseigneur Bienvenu, " who had died in the odor of sanctity at the age of eighty-two.

12. 冯国瑞(1901-1963),天水著名学者,1901年生于甘肃省天水县石莲谷,字仲翔,号牛翁,一号渔翁,别号麦积山樵。
      Guo-Rui Feng (1901-1963), Tianshui, a famous scholar, was born in 1901 in Gansu Tianshui County Shek Lin Gu, Zhong Xiang words, cattle, Weng, one shot, alias Maijishan-chiao.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. 英俊的外表和吉卜赛风格的穿着让他迅速走红,他的大批粉丝称其为“中国最帅气的流浪汉”,而叫得最多的别号还是“犀利哥”。
      His prominent cheekbones and bohemian clothes quickly won him a legion of fans who called him " China's Sexiest Tramp " and, most often," Brother Sharp ".

14. 一八二一年初,各地报纸都刊出了迪涅主教,“别号卞福汝大人”,米里哀先生逝世的消息。他是在八十二岁的高龄入圣的。
      At the beginning of1820 the newspapers announced the death of M.Myriel, Bishop of D &, surnamed " Monseigneur Bienvenu," who had died in the odor of sanctity at the age of eighty-two.

15. 别号的翻译

15. 奶奶是充斥祝福的阳光,晖映我身;奶奶是慈爱粗暴的别号,爱的标记。愿你的诞辰出格高兴!
      Grandma mea su hine filled with ble ings from above, Grandma mea kindne because it's another name for love May this be a ecial birthday for you.
