

刨除[páo chú]


刨除 汉英大词典

刨除[páo chú]



刨除 双语例句

1. 刨除什么意思

1. 刨除或修剪头部、颈部、身躯的被毛属于严重缺陷。
    Shaving or barbering of the head, neck or bodycoat must be severely penalized.

2. 刨除的意思

2. 刨除或修剪头部、颈部、身躯的被毛属于严重缺陷。
    Shaving or barbering of the head, neck or body coat must be severely penalized.

3. 刨除的近义词

3. 用电剪刨除背部的被毛是不合要求的。
    Use of electric clippers on the back coat is not desirable.

4. 用电剪刨除背部的被毛是不合要求的。
    Use of electric clippers on the back coat is notdesirable.

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5. 如果修剪、刨除被毛或以人为方法改变被毛,将受到严厉处罚,并排除在比赛之外。
    Specimens where the coat has been altered by trimming, clipping, or by artificial means shall be so severely penalized as to be effectively eliminated from competition.

6. 据贾海介绍,2001年年底,竣工面积加上空置面积,与销售的对比是1.82∶1,而住宅是1.64∶1,也就是说,要买10套房子,市场上可以提供16套房子,应该说余地也不是太大,如果把空置面积里不能销售的这部分刨除的话,那就更少了,是1.4∶1,基本上还是平衡的。
    According to Gu Hai said that by the end of 2001, with completion of vacant space area, and sales comparison is 1.82:1, 1.64:1 and residential is, in other words, buying a 10 suite, the market can provide a suite of 16, it should be said that not much room, if the vacant space of not marketing this part Paochu, then less. is 1.4:1, or basically balanced.

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7. 再将通用的媒体业务刨除,西门子就领先了。
    Remove GE's media holdings, and Siemens takes the lead.

8. 尽管如此,意大利的基本预算仍小有盈余,这也就意味着刨除利息偿还款项,政府的收入超过了支出,这也是衡量勒紧腰带的药方能否治愈赤字顽疾的关键指标。
    Yet it has been running a small primary budget surplus, meaning government revenue exceeds spending excluding interest payments – a key measure of whether belt tightening can help cure fiscal ills.

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9. 刨除成本和营收分成后,还留下了少量利润给谷歌:据德迪欧称,约为每台Android设备每年2.75美元。
    After costs and revenue sharing are taken out, there is some profit left over for Google: roughly $ 2.75 per Android device per year, according to dediu.

10. 刨除在线翻译

10. 克伦伯猎鹬犬拥有良好的颈部装饰,在任何条件下都不能刨除喉咙的毛发。
    The Clumber has a good neck frill and on no condition should his throat be shaved.

11. 结论微波热凝可引起子宫内膜破坏,在施行微波子宫内膜刨除手术时宜因人而调整辐射器中心导体的长度及辐射器面积。
      Conclusion Isolated endometrium of uterus can be destroyed when microwave thermocoagulation operation is executed. Length of central conduction of microwave radiator and the area of radiation must be regulated properly according to individual patient.

12. 刨除的解释

12. 然而,在刨除有损隐私的标识后,这些数据应该被汇总成一项公共资源。
      Stripped of privacy-compromising identifiers, however, they should be pooled into a common resource.

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13. 在考虑市场价时,要刨除商誉价值和承租人对房屋进行的固定设施添置和装修。
      Excludes the value of the goodwill and Lessee's fixtures and fittings from market review consideration.

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14. 在15年生低干专用湖桑老桑园行间套栽新桑苗选792,当年春蚕结束后将老桑贴主干基部平茬,第二年冬将老桑刨除
      An old mulberry plantation at the age of 15 was regenerated by inter-plantation method with new variety selection-792.By the end of that spring silkworm raising period, the old mulberry shoots were cut at ground level, and then removed in the winter of the next year.

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15. 尽管发展中国家作为一个整体而言研发开支增长了一倍,一旦在计算中刨除中国和印度,这个数字就下降到了不到3/4(73%)的增长。
      And, while developing nations as a whole more than doubled their R & D spend this figure fell to a less than three quarters increase (73 per cent) once China and India were removed from the calculation.

16. 更令人振奋的是,Facebook的广告业务收入比去年同期增长了36%,如果刨除外币疲软造成的影响,广告收入同比将达到43%。
      More encouragingly, advertising revenue rose 36%, and excluding the impact of declining foreign currencies, it would have increased by 43%.

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17. 如果刨除这部分,摩根大通的准备金还剩下120亿美元。
      That still leaves another $ 12 billion that JPMorgan expects to pay out.

18. 但是由于“瓦解”,它必须是团体决定并且刨除对客观理解的分歧和病状阻碍。
      But as was the " fall ", it must be a group decision and the differences and pathological blocks to objective understanding must be removed.

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19. 但是刨除个人感情来讨论友谊是很困难的,尤其说到亲密朋友的时候。
      But how hard it would be to talk about friendship without mixing personal feeling in it, especially when it comes to the matter of closest friend.

20. 刨除

20. 在营收下滑的业务中,硬件业务首当其冲,下跌39%。在刨除资产剥离因素之后,以不变汇率计算,该部门营收下跌12%。
      The hardware business led the declines, down 39 per cent, or 12 per cent excluding a divestment and on a constant currency basis.
