

初雪[chū xuě]

词典first snow初雪。

词典First Snow[电影]初雪。

初雪 汉英大词典

初雪[chū xuě]


first snow

初雪 网络解释

1. The First Snowflakes:节目名称 初雪(The First Snowflakes) 节目介绍:差点忘了这首曲子了,班德瑞<<迷雾森林>>里的经典曲目,被用作背景音乐的次数也无法统计. 节目名称 爱的协奏曲 节目介绍:古典名曲,也是电台节目的最爱之一. 节目名称 十面埋伏 节目介绍:十大古典名曲之一,

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. First Snow:Priestly的<<初雪>>(First Snow)、W. S.Maugham的<<哲学家>>(The Philosopher)、T. H. Huxley的<<自传>>(Autobiography)等. 后来在吕先生具体主持下,我们密切合作,分配了任务:朱文振和张健编第一册,吴景荣和我编第二册,吕天石和高殿森编第三册.

3. new snow:几万人仍留在新罕布什尔州、缅因州、马萨诸塞州和纽约州,但没有电力供应. 在今年圣诞专辑的曲目中,可以发现非洲节拍,爵士乐的节奏和乡村吉他(的元素). 歌声可能像圣诞钟声一样清澈,像一场初雪(new snow)一样平静,像糖果手杖一样甜蜜.

初雪 双语例句

1. 而这一切都在静谧中神秘地悄然发生,使得这一场初雪愈发迷人。
    The very stealth, the errie quietness of the thing makes it morn magical.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 初雪飘落时,是何等的宁谧,何等的幽静!
    What silence, too, came with the snow, and what seclution!

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3. 日军 在晚上10点海军少将五藤在重型巡洋舰青叶号上,后面跟着重型巡洋舰衣笠号和古鹰号,驱逐舰初雪号和吹雪号在他的左右弦跟随。
    At 2200 (10 PM) Rear Admiral Goto in the heavy cruiser Aoba, was followed by 2 heavy cruisers Kinugasa and Furutaka, then the destroyers Hatsuyuki and Fubuki on the port and starboard beams.

4. 初雪什么意思

4. 刺骨的寒风正在呼啸,初雪染白了整个山头。
    A raw wind was blowing, and the first flurries of snow were whitening the hilltops.

5. 梅花寒露精华:取至梅花上之洁白晶莹的初雪,陶罐储藏净化后提取出晶纯软润的,结构紧密,表面张力大,与生物细胞液
    Plum Blossom Winter Essence: It is extracted from the pure, soft and white early snow on plum blossoms after

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 花上之初雪,经多重净化提纯而成,晶纯软润的寒露精华;如肌肤天生水分般自然亲和,能瞬间舒缓肌肤因干燥引起的不适
    Weather in seconds, filling your dehydrated skin with energy from water. While enjoying the elegant fragrance from plum

7. 初雪的解释

7. 一切都悄然地在一种神秘的沉静中完成,因而更给这场初雪增添了玄妙的色彩。
    The very stealth the errie quietness of the thing makes it more magical.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. 而这一切都在静谧中神秘的悄然发生,使得这一场初雪愈发迷人。
    The very stealth, the errie quietness of the thing makes it more magical.

9. 初雪是什么意思

9. 窗外,一场初雪给光秃秃的树裹上了素装。
    Outside, the leafless trees were white with the first snowfall.

10. 初雪是什么意思

10. 全新美即梅花寒露莹润保湿面膜,取梅花之幽远意韵,采初雪之纯净冰清,让肌肤尽享无暇世界的轻盈薄透,纤尘无染。
    MG Korean Plum Blossom Winter Essence Nourishing and Moisturizing Mask gather the essence of plum blossoms and early snow, providing your skin with a clean and refreshed sensation.

11. 初雪 我驾着雪橇,四野宁静,雪粉在马蹄下沙沙作声。
      First Snow I drove sled, quiet surrounding, Powder snow in the Horseshoe for the sound of rustling.

12. 初雪的意思

12. 取梅花上之初雪,经多重净化提纯而成,晶纯软润的寒露精华;如肌肤天生水分般自然亲和,能瞬间舒缓肌肤因干燥引起的不适,为缺水肌肤瞬间注入水活生命力,肌肤水润充莹,感受舒畅无比。
      The pure and soft winter essence, snow on plum blossoms, purified in a series of processes is a perfect match for your skin. It can remove the uncomfort caused by dry weather in seconds, filling your dehydrated skin with energy from water.

13. 血色的玫瑰茎上银白的利刺折断了,在初雪的大地上被碾成尘埃
      Portraits hung in empty halls, frameless heads on nameless walls

14. 初雪

14. 尼泊尔博卡拉、纳加廓特喝着咖啡赏雪山 wdyqypj1117 初雪线报:自10月份,尼泊尔的旱季就开始了,当地空气清净能见度变高,洁白的喜马拉雅雪山结束遮遮掩掩云雾弥漫的半年,游客可以一睹雪山的芳容了。
      Nepal, Pokhara, Nagarkot Snow Mountain coffee tour wdyqypj1117 Snow-line newspaper: Since October, Nepal's dry season begins, the local air filter change visibility high, white clouds conceal the end of the Himalayan snow-capped mountains filled the six months, visitors can glimpse the snow-capped mountains of hosting the Games.

15. 97海滨初雪。董建寅
      97The first snow in the seaside.

16. 尤其是初雪,在形成和飘落的过程中容易吸附很多污染物,所以并不适宜饮用。
      Is particularly early snow mushroom, in the formulating and float to fall of easily adsorb a lot of contaminants in the course, the quare amalgamation out of character drinks.

17. 初雪

17. 我今天的问题是,明天早上这场初雪会不会在路上积厚了。
      The aim of life is self-development.

18. 初雪什么意思

18. 在拉普兰,五月初雪才开始融化,温度也悄悄回到零度以上。
      Snow often thaws in Lapland as late as the beginning of May, so the temperatures also rarely raise above zero.

19. 初雪的反义词

19. 在晨钟暮鼓中初雪飘落,初雪消融,世间万物大约都是这样从无到有,从有到无吧。
      First Snow in the wake been a float, First Snow ablation, the world is about such things from scratch, there are no bar to.

20. 起初构思的是一首辉煌的诗歌《初雪》,最终却变形成为凶险得多的东西。
      Originally conceived as a solemn poem entitled " Virgin Snow ", it eventually metamorphosed into something much more menacing.
