

分羹 双语例句

1. 分羹

1. 最重要的是,分羹奥运的网站将获得滚滚财源。
    Most important of all, Fengeng Olympic site will be rolling financial resources.

2. 游戏内置广告产业链是个一荣俱荣的生态系统,只有先共同做大蛋糕,大家才都能分羹
    Catenary of industry of ad of the buy inside game is the ecosystem of a flourish of one flourish all, make big cake jointly first only, everybody just can divide a thick soup.

3. 3G时代的来临,手机视频也将是各大视频网站之间分羹的另一块蛋糕。
    The advent of 3G times, mobile phone video also will be another cake that a thick soup divides between each big video website.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 事实上,目前已经有许多公司在香港的中介服务,并从香港和广东之间,分羹国内市场人气。
    In fact the moment there are already many companies in Hong Kong and from intermediary services between Hong Kong and Guangdong, 分羹domestic market sentiment.

5. 如何分羹市场成为他们需要重点思考的问题。
    How to divide market of a thick soup to become them to need the issue that thinks mainly.

6. 邮储银行将分羹农村市场
    Post Savings Bank Shall Share Rural Market

7. 分羹俄罗斯工程机械市场
    To Share the Construction Machinery Market of Russia

8. 陕北石油秩序谁有机会分羹进口油运?
    Who are going to share the seaborne transportation of import oil?
