



分建 双语例句

1. 认为分建生活、消防贮水设施有利于保护水质、保证供水安全,并可降低工程造价和给水系统运行费用。
    Separate construction of cisterns is considered helpful to water quality protection and water supply security, and can reduce the costs of building construction and water supply.

2. 分建

2. 新一任的市长提倡将工厂分建在各地而不要集中在一个地区。
    The new mayor advocates that the factories should be scattered instead of being concentrated in a single area.

3. 广州市乘客自动输送系统的分建车站建筑设计
    Architectural Design for Subway Stations in Guangzhou Automatic Passenger Transporting System

4. 替代分建式消防水池的城市消防水源策略
    Scheme of urban fire water source that replaces the separated building fire water pool

5. 高层综合楼生活消防贮水设施分建设计
    Design of Separate Cisterns for Domestic Water System and Fire Water System in a High-rising Building Complex

6. 北戴河西部污水处理厂建设规模7万m3/d,采用生化与沉淀分建式氧化沟处理工艺;
    The sedimentation tank is discrete to the biological oxidation ditch at the West Wastewater Treatment Plant (with capacity of 70000 m 3/d) in Beidaihe summer resort, Hebei Province.

7. 经济分析表明,南汊大跨桥梁合建、北汊中小跨度桥梁分建为经济合理的方案。
    The economic analysis indicates that it is the economic and rational scheme to build a long span combined railway and roadway bridge over the southern river branch and the medium and small span bridge over the northern river branch separately for the railways and roadways.

8. 分建的意思

8. 北戴河西部污水处理厂建设规模7万m3/d,采用生化与沉淀分建式氧化沟处理工艺;
    The sedimentation tank is discrete to the biological oxidation ditch at the West Wastewater Treatment Plant (with capacity of 70 000 m 3 / d) in Beidaihe summer resort, Hebei Province.
