1. 或许是吧。人们相信,天下大势合久必分,分久必合,循环往复。
Yes, more or less. There is a widespread belief.
2. 他看到一位街头魔术师在表演环环相扣。两个金属环在魔术师手中不断地上演着分久必合、合久必分。
He watched a street magician perform the linking rings trick, in which two solid metal rings are repeatedly linked together and unlinked.
3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
3. 尽管,偶尔我轻柔的倔强也会碰撞你到潇洒的转身,可你我始终没能逃脱“合久必分、分久必合”的真理!
Although, occasionally I will crash your soft stubborn to turn around chic, but you still did not escape me, " together for a long time to divide, long period of division, " the truth!