击毁[jī huǐ]
smash; wreck; shatter:
Their houses were damaged by the enemy's shellfire.
1. 击毁
1. put out of action:set in action 实行, 实施; 开动; 使开始工作 | put out of action 使失去战斗力; 击伤, 击毁; 消灭 | rear guard action 后卫战; 维持现状或维护旧制度的努力
2. blow to pieces:The president blew the whistle on all public gatherings. 总统下令禁止一切公共集会. | blow to pieces打烂,打碎,击毁,炸毁: | The bottle on the table blew to pieces. 桌子上的瓶子打碎了.