

凄风苦雨[qī fēng kǔ yǔ]


词典miserable conditions凄风苦雨。

词典bitter winds and miserable rains凄风苦雨。

词典bleak wind and wretched rain凄风苦雨。

词典chilly winds and cold rains凄风苦雨。

凄风苦雨 汉英大词典

凄风苦雨[qī fēng kǔ yǔ]


miserable conditions; bitter winds and miserable rains; bleak wind and wretched rain; chilly winds and cold rains (that instill sadness in a person's mind); wailing wind and weeping rain; wretched circumstances

凄风苦雨 网络解释

1. 凄风苦雨的近义词

1. distressed:5. stopped breathing 断气 | 6. distressed 凄风苦雨 | 7. make it through the night 撑过一夜

2. 凄风苦雨

2. Wailing wind and weeping rain:3.Press on without letup.一鼓作气 | 4.Wailing wind and weeping rain.凄风苦雨 | 5.Having passed through the hall into the inner chamber.升堂入室
