

凄楚[qī chǔ]



凄楚 汉英大词典

凄楚[qī chǔ]

[书] wretched; miserable

凄楚 双语例句

1. 凄楚是什么意思

1. 可以确定无疑地说,早在镇子建立十五年或二十年之际,那座木造监狱就已经因风吹日晒雨淋和岁月的流逝而为它那狰狞和阴森的门面增加了几分晦暗凄楚的景象,使它那橡木大门上沉重的铁活的斑斑锈痕显得比新大陆的任何陈迹都益发古老。
    The rust on the ponderous iron-work of its oaken door looked more antique than any thing else in the New World.

2. 可以确定无疑地说,早在镇子建立十五年或二十年之际,那座木造监狱就已经因风吹日晒雨淋和岁月的流逝而为它那狰狞和阴森的门面增加了几分晦暗凄楚的景象,使它那橡木大门上沉重的铁活的斑斑锈痕显得比新大陆的任何陈迹都益发古老。
    Certain it is that, some fifteen or twenty years after the settlement of the town, the wooden jail was already marked with weather-stains and other indications of age, which gave a yet darker aspect to its beetle-browed and gloomy front.

3. 可以确定无疑地说,早在镇子建立十五年或二十年之际,那座木造监狱就已经因风吹日晒雨淋和岁月的流逝而为它那狰狞和阴森的门面增加了几分晦暗凄楚的景象,使它那橡木大门上沉重的铁活的斑斑锈痕显得比新大陆的任何陈迹都益发古老。
    Before this ugly edifice, and between it and the wheel-track of the street, was a grass-plot, much overgrown with burdock, pig-weed, apple-peru, and such unsightly vegetation, which evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilised society, a prison.

4. 有时她娇妍,完美,而有时她就灰白,凄楚
    One day, she was pink and flawless; another pale and tragical.

5. 她面容憔悴,目光凄楚,大概是遇到了不幸的事。
    She looks wan, sallow and miserable, she's probably had some bad luck.

6. 我把我急切而凄楚的心情都尽可能表达了出来。
    I wrote it as fervent and pathetically as I could.

7. 老公啊,不要让心停格在那凄楚哀怆的瞬间,笑着面对人生,帮我笑完今生,好吗?
    Hubby, don't let your heart stay the dreary moment. Facing your life with a smile and help me to over this life with a smile, ok?

8. 老公啊,无所不能让心停格在那凄楚哀怆的瞬间,笑着面对一生,帮我笑完今生,好吗?
    Hubby, don't let your listent stay the dreary moment. Facing your life with a smile and help me to over the life with a smile, ok?

9. 凄楚

9. 一天又一天过去了,代达罗斯越来越感到寂寞与凄楚
    As the days went by, Daedalus grew more lonely and miserable.

10. 凄楚

10. 他的眼神已不再像从前那般无助与凄楚,在他眼里,我看到的是一片金戈铁马。
    His eyes are no longer like the past is so helpless and wretched, in his eyes, I see an armored iron railings.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. 然而,二者又都属于那一群贤恢弘的朋友圈中,这些朋友从来不遗弃我们,不让我们在凄楚与孤寂中哀怨凋零,而是蔚籍我们于所有可能的哀痛之中。
      Yet both belong to that wide, august circle of friends who never abandon us to languish in grief or solitude, but offer us solace in all pain.

12. 凄楚的翻译

12. 最迷人的莫过于长城内外的秋林映着落日,天边酡红如醉,衬托着渐深的暮色,晚风带着清澈的凉意,随着暮色浸染,那是一种说不出的凄楚之美,,,秋天是一首诗,秋天是一幅画,秋天是一首歌,秋天是一个美丽的梦。
      The most fascinating is the Great Wall and the Qiu-lin colour in the sunset, the horizon-such as drunk Dou, setting off gradually deep twilight, with a clear Liang Yi Wan Feng, as twilight disseminated, it is a speechless beauty of the Qichu, , autumn is a poem, a painting is autumn, autumn is a song, autumn is a beautiful dream.

13. 凄楚

13. 沉重的精神打击使他在以后的悼亡诗词中一再流露出哀惋凄楚的不尽相思之情和怅然若失的怀念心绪。
      Heavy against the spirit of his poetry in the future Mourn repeatedly expressed Aiwanqianchu not love the feeling of nostalgia and Changranreshi mood.

14. 老巫婆凄楚地对着魔镜喃喃自语。
      The old woman witch himself in front of Mirror.

15. 有时呼呼吹过的风,也好象是一个硕大无朋、伤感凄楚的灵魂,和宇宙一样大,和天地一样老,在那儿叹息。
      The occasional heave of the wind became the sigh of some immense sad soul, conterminous with the universe in space, and with history in time

16. 凄楚

16. 他们走在街心,踏着石板路,看着两旁灯烛辉煌的店铺和酒馆,觉得心里轻松许多,刚才的事情好像只是一个凄楚的梦。
      Walking along the cobble-stoned thoroughfare and observing the brightly burning lamps in the stores and wine shops that lined the way, they shook off the depression their meeting with Mei had engendered.

17. 透过黑塞早期作品《轮下》凄楚哀婉的笔调,我们看到了主人公汉斯在人生成长过程中的孤独、迷茫、困惑和无助,这是人生无法逾越的一个阶段。
      Through the tragic, sorrowful writing style of Hesse's work, Under Wheels, we can find the loneliness, puzzlement, doubt and helplessness of the main character Hans.

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18. 受惊吓的动物发出凄楚的叫声,我差点以为山里所有的熊都要来包围我了。
      The frightened animal let out such a godforsaken scream that I half expected to be surrounded by every bear in the mountains.

19. 这一声叫喊又悠长又凄楚,似是长叹,又似是呜咽。
      It was a long, grieving sound, like a sigh & almost like a sob.

20. 她看到离她不远的地方,有一个身材高高的中年男子久久地伫立在一棵树旁,脸色沉郁,神情凄楚
      Not far away, she espied a tall man of middle age standing beside a tree with a dour look on his face.
