凄恻[qī cè]
[书] grieved; sad; sorrowful
1. 杜甫,你伫立西阁,俯仰吟哦,你的声调,这样凄恻,这样悲凉。
Xige is a place in the area of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze river.
2. 凄恻的反义词
2. 只要我们齐心协力,就能排除霜之凄恻的节制,然后从内部瓦解巫妖王的力量。
Together, we will loosen Frostmourne`s hold and weaken the Lich King from wit你好n.
3. 凄恻
3. 我整夜没睡;雾笛声一个劲儿在桑德海湾上凄恻地鸣响,我辗转反侧,像生了病一样,理不清哪些是狰狞的现实,哪些是可怕的梦魇。
I couldn`t sleep all night; a fog-horn was groaning incessantly on the Sound, and I tossed half-sick between grotesque reality and savage, frightening dreams.
4. 凄恻的意思
4. 八月十七日的下午,约克逊号邮船无数的窗眼里,飞出五色飘扬的纸带,远远的抛到岸上,任凭送别的人牵住的时候,我的心是如何的飞扬而凄恻!
On the afternoon of August 17th, multicolor paper streamers flew out of the many scuttles of the ocean liner Yorkson and landed on the retreating shore, nonchalantly leaving those who came to see their relatives or friends off to catch hold of their ends. At the moment, how full I felt of both delight and sorrow!
5. 凄恻
5. 小小女孩的心是如何的无奈而凄恻!
As a little girl, how cold and helpless I felt!
6. 或许是情欲的颠峰,或许是分手的凄恻。
Perhaps is the passion summit peak, perhaps is bids good-bye sorrow.
7. 或许是情欲的颠峰,或许是分手的凄恻。
Maybe the climax of lust; maybe the sorrow of depart.
8. 凄恻的意思
8. 尽管我们都衷心祝愿有情人终成眷属,文学史上还是留下了许多凄恻哀婉的爱情故事。
Although we wish that the lovers have a happy wedding, there are still some tragic love-stories in literature.
9. 凄恻的解释
9. 尽管我们都衷心祝愿有情人终成眷属,文学史上还是留下了许多凄恻哀婉的爱情故事。
Although we wish thatthelovers have a happy wedding, there are still sometragiclove-stories in literature.
10. danci.911cha.com
10. 史景迁所译张岱文,有其妥帖而又高雅的一壁,例如译张岱在一篇游记中的一段话:山后人家,闭门高卧,不见灯火,悄悄冥冥,意颇凄恻。
On the slopes of the 你好lls, the house gates were all 关上d and people were sleeping deeply, one could not see the light from a single lamp.
11. 悲伤的感情似乎总是对个人而发,具有令人凄恻的力量。
Pathos has this quality, that it seems ever addressed to one alone.
12. 点染其小说间的是一个个凄恻、平凡的婚恋悲剧,正是它们使老舍几乎所有的重要作品都显示出强烈的道德批判色彩。
Among his works there are some ordinary but pathetic marriage tragedies, which endow the important pieces of Lao She with strong moral critical force (color).
13. 尽管我们都衷心祝愿有情人终成眷属,文学史上还是留下了许多凄恻哀婉的爱情故事。
Although we wish that thelovers have a happy wedding, there are still some tragiclove-stories in literature.
14. 这种想法凄恻伤害了她的傲慢。
Her pride stung bitterly at the thought.
15. 这是一种悲剧人格,它浸透了一种排解不去的骚怨精神,凄恻动人。
This is tragic personality, and it's soaked with the spirit of Sao discontent, which is sorrowful and moving.