1. 凄其的反义词
1. 伦敦郊外的垃圾污秽、断篱残砖、破烂招贴、乃至半由投机营造人侵占践踏的大片草地,至此都一概抛在脑后:而代之以光洁无暇的岸滩,步履其上,清风习习,不杂一丝烟气;这里再不是烟尘笼罩,晦暝凄其,而是天明气清,一望无际,沉埋在远处地平线下的船只,桅樯矗立,历历可见—看到这一切真是很大的幸福。
To be free of the litter and filth of a London suburb, of its broken hedges, its brickbats, its torn advertisements, its worn and trampled grass in fields half given over to the speculative builder: in place of this, to tread the immaculate shore over which breathed a wind not charged with soot; to replace the dull, shrouding obscurity of the smoke by a distance so distinct that the masts of the ships whose hulls were buried below the horizon were visible—all this was perfect bliss.