

决一死战[jué yì sǐ zhàn]


词典wage a life-and-death struggle决一死战;作殊死战。

词典determine to fight to the death决一死战。

词典fight sb. to the death决一死战。


词典fight to a finish [to the very last]

词典do or die决一死战。

决一死战 汉英大词典

决一死战[jué yì sǐ zhàn]

wage a life-and-death struggle; determine to fight to the death; fight sb. to the death; fight to a finish [to the very last]; fight to one's death; fight with a rope round one's neck; fight with ... to the death; risk all in one desperate battle; wage a f

决一死战 网络解释

1. do or die:do oneself well 养尊处优 | do or die 决一死战 | do out 打扫

2. Fight with one's back to the wall:Fifth Column 第五纵队 | Fight with one's back to the wall 决一死战 | find fault with 挑毛病

3. ShowDown:OutBurst || 火山爆发 | ShowDown || 决一死战 | snowbound || 雪海求生

4. 决一死战

4. Mortal combat:Show-off. I'm gonna have to check the rule book.|爱现,我必须查一下规则 | Mortal combat!|决一死战! | He got me! Great shot, Elliot. You won, man.|他抓到我了!打得好,艾鹿特 你赢了,小子
