

冲口而出[chōng kǒu ér chū]

词典say sth. unthinkingly冲口而出。

词典blurt (sth.) out


词典One's tongue runs before one's wit.冲口而出。

词典pass one's lips吃进去,喝下去,说出口;冲口而出。

冲口而出 汉英大词典

冲口而出[chōng kǒu ér chū]


say sth. unthinkingly; blurt (sth.) out; One's tongue runs before one's wit.; pass one's lips; say sth. unthinking; say without thinking

冲口而出 网络解释

1. to blurt out without thinking:成千上万 成千上萬 a huge amount | 冲口而出 to blurt out without thinking | 重操旧业 to return to one's old trade

2. to burst out:to be used to 习惯于 | to burst out 冲口而出 | a packet of 一包;一捆

冲口而出 双语例句

1. 梅勒妮拦住了她,金姆冲口而出,将丹不会回来的消息讲了出来。
    Melanie stops her, and Kim blurts out that Dan isn`t coming back.

2. 而是冲口而出,我没认为我读过大学有什么了不起,我都已经忘记自己读过大学这件事儿了,是你在提醒我,难道我读过大学也有罪吗?
    But Chongkou out, I did not think I have read what the University of amazing, I have forgotten their own reading The University of this thing, I remind you is, should I also read the University of guilt?

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 因此,当我的心情坏透了,那份感觉就会满溢出来,甚至会冲口而出
    Therefore, when my heart is brimming with an emotion, that feeling will leak or perhaps even spout out of my mouth.

4. 冲口而出

4. 二太太以为他这是存心轻看她,冲口而出的把他骂了个花瓜。
    He hurriedly returned the muddy brat to the second wife, who took this as an insult and reviled him roundly.

5. 而我抢在所有人发话之前,将自己最难忘的时刻冲口而出:2000年扣篮大赛,文斯·卡特。
    But before anyone could answer, I blurted my most memorable: Vince Carter in the2000 Dunk Contest.

6. “天呐!”乔冲口而出,便再没作声,他在动脑筋想推断出个解释来。
    " Gee!" Joe exploded, then waited in silence for the deduction to arise in his brain.

7. 抓住妈妈的手,我冲口而出因为那晚,我是多么后悔。
    Catching Mom's hand in hand, I blurted out how sorry I was for that night.

8. 接着她冲口而出,把(传单)交给我
    Then she burst out " Give them (the leaflets) to me!"

9. 冲口而出

9. 保罗惊愕地看着那男孩,冲口而出地说:“你要不要坐我的车去兜风?”
    Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, " Would you like to take a ride in my car? "

10. “天呐!”乔冲口而出,便再没作声,他在动脑筋想推断出个解释来。
    " Gee!" Joe exploded, then waited in silence for the deduction to arise in his brain.

11. 接着她冲口而出,把(传单)交给我
      Then she burst out " Give them (the leaflets) to me!"

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 保罗惊愕地看着那男孩,冲口而出地说:“你要不要坐我的车去兜风?”
      Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added," Would you like to take a ride in my car?"

13. 冲口而出在线翻译

13. 那你是谁?`我冲口而出
      And who are you? 'I blurted out.

14. danci.911cha.com

14. 你那样冲口而出,我不怪你。
      I don`t blame you for blurting it out.

15. 即使她已经学会了流畅地讲英语,她的语言中仍然有一种冲口而出的外国味道。
      Even after she learned to speak English readily, there was always something impulsive and foreign in her speech.

16. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

16. 抓住妈妈的手,我冲口而出因为那晚,我是多
      Catching Mom's hand in hand, I blurted out
