



冬风 双语例句

1. 冬风是什么意思

1. 地面也发出低低的唱呤声,像在附合冬风的歌唱一样,低沉、悲凉、苍茫。
    On the ground also issued Didi De singing whisper sound, as in singing the triad, like the winter winds, low, desolate, boundless.

2. 冬风的解释

2. 那一天没有散步的可能了,尽管那天早晨我们还在落尽了叶子的灌木林中游逛了一个小时,可自从吃午饭起(没来客人时,里德太太很早就吃午饭),就刮起了凛冽的冬风,阴云错暗,冷雨透骨,这就不可能再去室外活动了。
    There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning; but since dinner, (Mrs. Reed, when there was no company, dined early) the cold winter wind had brought with it clouds so sombre, and a rain so penetrating, that further outdoor exercise was now out of the question.

3. 你难道没有听到冬风在呼号吗
    Don't you hear, the winter wind is crying?

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4. 不过像冬风练习曲那样,就有点令我失望了。
    However with one big exception, the Winter Wind Etude, that is not my taste at all.

5. 冬风什么意思

5. 冬风盛开的时候,天气很寒。
    It's so cold in winter.

6. 他是冬风氏族的重要成员,只是因他太过注重弄权所以从不让外界的事务影响到自己的仕途。
    Fighter. He is an important member of the Winterwind clan, but is toohis political career.

7. 冬风

7. 冬风扫叶时节,一树萧条如洗
    A tree made leafless by this wintry wind

8. 他是冬风氏族的重要成员,只是因他太过注重弄权所以从不让外界的事务影响到自己的仕途。
    He is an important member of the Winterwind clan, but is too politically astute to let the concerns of the outside get in the way of his political career.

9. 到南凉排除冬风更坚实的墙壁。
    More solid walls to the south exclude the cooler winter winds.

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10. 我喜欢淡淡的风。春风轻吻脸颊,秋风拂面温柔,夏风送来凉爽,冬风带来清凉。
    L like the subtle wind. ln speing, it steals a kiss on my cheek; in summer, it brings in cool sweet smell; in winter, it carries a crisp chliilness.
