




军伍 双语例句

1. 军伍的翻译

1. 却从未见过如此庞大的军伍,人海般的阵容,就像成堆的树叶或滩沿上的沙子
    They are crossing the plain to attack the city as thick as leaves or as the sands of the sea.

2. 他们好说歹说,求我们拨出一支善战的军伍。我的乡胞倒是乐意帮忙,使来者如愿以偿,无奈宙斯送来不祥的预兆,使他们改变了主张。
    The men of Mycenae were willing to let them have one, but Jove dissuaded them by showing them unfavourable omens.

3. 他丢下 死者,扑向敌方溃散的军伍,人群最密集的去处,其他胫甲坚固的阿开亚亦跟随左右,一同杀去。
    There he let them both lie, and wherever the ranks were thickest thither he flew, while the other Achaeans followed.

4. 军伍什么意思

4. 用词不计妥适,但求能逗引众人开怀。围攻伊利昂的军伍中,他是最丑的一个:两腿外屈,撇着一只拐脚,双肩前耸
    He was the ugliest man of all those that came before Troy- bandy-legged, lame of one foot, with his two shoulders rounded and hunched over his chest.

5. 他们带来一百条海船,统领全军的是强有力的阿伽门农,阿特桑斯之子,带来了最好和最勇敢的兵丁。营伍里,他身披闪光的铜甲,气宇轩昂,突显在骁勇的壮士群中,因他地位最高,统领着人数最多的军伍
    His force was far both finest and most numerous, and in their midst was the king himself, all glorious in his armour of gleaming bronze- foremost among the heroes, for he was the greatest king, and had most men under him.

6. 你,俄底修斯,我给你这趟差事,这道命令:从阿开亚人中挑出身强力壮的小伙,从我的船里搬出礼物,抬到这里,数量要像我们日前诺许阿基琉斯的那样众多;别忘了把那些女人带来。在我们人群熙攘的军伍,让塔尔苏比俄斯给我备下一头公猪,祭献给宙斯和赫利俄斯享用。
    Thus, then, do I charge you: take some noble young Achaeans with you, and bring from my tents the gifts that I promised yesterday to Achilles, and bring the women also; furthermore let Talthybius find me a boar from those that are with the host, and make it ready for sacrifice to Jove and to the sun.

7. 俄底修斯,像宙斯一样精擅谋略的首领,统掌这支军伍
    It as is enclosed between Hyrmine, Myrsinus upon the seashore

8. 军伍

8. 马儿喘着粗气,由他的助手欧鲁墨冬、裴莱俄斯之子普托勒迈俄斯的儿子带往一边。阿伽门农命他就近看管马匹,以备急用——疲劳可能拖累他的四肢,吆喝制统偌大的一支军伍。他迈开双腿,大步穿行在营伍中。
    He left his chariot rich with bronze and his panting steeds in charge of Eurymedon, son of Ptolemaeus the son of Peiraeus, and bade him hold them in readiness against the time his limbs should weary of going about and giving orders to so many, for he went among the ranks on foot.

9. 军伍

9. 军伍出身的诗人,写了很多描写边塞的诗歌。
    The poet used be a soldier, he has written many poems to describe the frontier fortress.
