

冒渎[mào dú]


词典bother or annoy a superior冒渎。


冒渎 汉英大词典

冒渎[mào dú]

[书] (冒犯亵渎) bother or annoy a superior

冒渎 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. sacrilege:sacrificially 牺牲地 | sacrilege 冒渎 | sacrilegious 冒渎

2. sacrilegiousness:sacrilegiously 冒渎地 | sacrilegiousness 冒渎 | sacring 弥撒圣别式

3. sacrilegesacrilegiousness:sacrilege 悖理逆天的行为 | sacrilegesacrilegiousness 冒渎 | sacrilegious 冒渎

4. 冒渎

4. blasphemy n:blase a.厌烦于享乐或人生的 | blasphemy n.骂神;冒渎;不敬;咒骂 ; | blazon v.宣布;用纹章装饰

冒渎 双语例句

1. 小人有眼不识泰山,一时冒渎兄长,望乞恕罪。`
    In contexts, idioms which have much local or national colours could not be translated equivalently.

2. 贫穷是他们赎罪的方法,人们认为帮助这些上帝诅咒的人是一种冒渎
    Poverty was their penance, and it was considered a sacrilege to try to help those whom God had cursed.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 所有超出信仰以外的魔法力量都被宣称为冒渎神灵而禁止,甚至连使用魔法的铁匠们都被剥夺了地位。
    Magic outside religion was announced to be sacrilegious, and even the master smiths were robbed of their status.

4. 冒渎

4. 穿行在如此宁静的林子,脚步踏过的地方,仿佛是冒渎了圣灵,就连说话甚至呼吸都是亵渎的。
    It seemed sacrilegious to walk through it, to tread the ground; it was profane to talk, even to breathe.

5. 他们冒渎了教会。
    They violated the Church.

6. 汝不应采取任何冒渎圣域的行为。
    EYe Shall Take No Action That Causes a Caern to Be Violated.
