

再世[zài shì]



再世 网络解释

1. 再世

1. raj'a:rafida;(拉斐德)拒绝;; | raj'a;再世;; | rahman;(拉赫曼)仁慈的;;

再世 双语例句

1. 这个小家伙恐怕连华佗再世也束手无策了。
    This tiny creature left even HuaTuo powerless!

2. 谁执牛耳?如魏武挥鞭,如果,如果,秦皇汉武再世,如果爱因斯坦重生。。。。。。
    Who renowned? If Wei Wu Whiplash, if, if, Han-woo another world, if Einstein's rebirth...........

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 前去祝贺,当国王第一眼看到优孟时,还以为是孙叔敖再世了。
    At the first sight of You Meng, the king thought Sun had revived.

4. 再世

4. 他是我的再世父亲
    He is my second father.

5. 他在演说及领导方面的才能有如凯撒再世
    1 He is a Caesar in speech and leadership.

6. 再世的近义词

6. 人们说他是猫王再世
    They say he's Elvis reincarnated.

7. 在戏剧技巧方面他可以说是莎翁再世
    He is a Shakespeare in his dramatic skill.

8. 再世的翻译

8. 他是福尔摩斯再世
    He is Holmes the second.

9. 再世的翻译

9. 如果离经叛道的莎士比亚再世,他也会热衷于短信语言。
    If the deviant world of Shakespeare again, he would interested in SMS language.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. 除了中国的华陀之外,原来埃及也有令人再世的医学技术。
    Knowledge of the ancient ER is derived in part from records that survive that time.

11. 再世的解释

11. 可她满以为带的是灵丹妙药,自己是华佗再世,这下受苦受难的邻里有救了。
      But she never suspected that she was not an angel of healing and the balm of Gilead in disguise, to the suffering neighbors.

12. 再世

12. 所以当社会价值崩溃、物欲蒙蔽良知、人欲横流之际,赶上这班列车的机会再世难求,又有谁愿意正视手上的那根稻草?
      So when social values collapse, the sense of right and wrong is blurred by material desires, and carnal passions overflow.

13. 画省孤灯宫独冷,书香再世汝应延。
      Gu deng palace painting province alone cold, scholarly re-Shi Ru should be extended.

14. 我又想起悬崖上大喇叭里的那些充满哀伤语气的劝词:到我们这边来,你会梦想成真,不知邓丽君再世,会如何理解这一切?
      I thought back to those plaintive cliff top exhortations, Just come here and realise your dreams, and wondered what Teresa Teng would make of it all.

15. 再世什么意思

15. 我觉得简直是再世为人。
      I suppose I've been born again.

16. 再世的近义词

16. 突然间我就有了再世为人的机会。
      And suddenly I get a souped-up second chance.

17. 此外,东方摩尼教的“轮回”观也颇异于佛教:它以人间为“地狱”,视再世为人为最痛苦的“轮回”。
      Besides, eastern Manichaeism took the world as hell and its conceptions on rebirth were also different from that of Buddhism.

18. 再世的反义词

18. 信众:主爱的人再世享平安,主,天主,天上的君王,全能的天主圣父,我们为了你无上的光荣,赞美你,称颂你,朝拜你,显扬你,感谢你。
      Lord God heavenly King almighty God and Father we worship you we give you thanks we praise you for your glory.

19. 小说中的主要人物都可以在圣经中找到原型,拉尔夫和梅吉形同亚当和夏娃再世,玛丽·卡森与魔鬼撒旦、戴恩与基督原型、弗兰克与替罪羊原型也有着很多相似之处。
      The hero in novel correspond with archetype of The Holy Bible. Ralph and Maggie are just the incarnation of Adam and Eve. Mary Casson and the devil Satan, Dion and the Christ prototype, the franker and the scapegoat prototype also have many similarities.
