

兼收并蓄[jiān shōu bìng xù]

词典swallow anything and everything兼收并蓄。

词典incorporate things of diverse nature兼收并蓄;俱收并蓄。

词典absorb anything and everything兼收并蓄;兼容并包。


兼收并蓄 汉英大词典

兼收并蓄[jiān shōu bìng xù]


swallow anything and everything; incorporate things of diverse nature; absorb anything and everything; all-embracing; take in everything:

  例:中国需要大量吸收外国的进步文化, 但决不能无批判地兼收并蓄

    China needs to assimilate a good deal of foreign progressive culture, but she must not swallow anything and everything uncritically.

兼收并蓄 网络解释

1. embrace everything that is useful:兼收並蓄 embrace everything that is useful | 光陰似箭 Time flies like an arrow. /How time files! | 一如既往 unswervingly

2. 兼收并蓄

2. lethora of methods:ne's own critic (自我批评) | lethora of methods (兼收并蓄) | uick-wittedness (思维敏捷)

3. 兼收并蓄的反义词

3. Plethora of methods:One's own critic (自我批评) | Plethora of methods (兼收并蓄) | Quick-wittedness (思维敏捷)

4. incorporating things of diverse nature:energy conservation and environmental protection 节能环保 45 | incorporating things of diverse nature 兼收并蓄 41 | common development and win-win situation 共进双赢 50
