



典据 网络解释

1. authority n:author n. 作家, 创造者 | authority n. 权威, 威信, 权威人士, 权力, 职权, 典据, 著作权威 | auto n. <美口>汽车

2. 典据

2. Authority:documents 文件的鉴定;文件的认证 | authority 权力;权威;典据;判决例 | authorization 授权;认可

典据 双语例句

1. 典据在线翻译

1. 这些典据都是可靠的。
    Any of these authorities are/is reliable.

2. 典据在线翻译

2. 她能给出当前立法的精确典据
    She can give chapter and verse on current legislation.

3. 典据

3. 所以,什么事情该做,什么事情不该做都明文规定好了的《呋陀》经律才是你要遵守的权威典据。明白了《呋陀》经里规定的典律,在这个世界上,你就应该履行义务去行动。
    Therefore the injunctions of the Vedic Scriptures in ascertaining what should be done and what should not done are your authority; knowing the ordinances of the Vedic scriptures as prescribed, you should perform actions in this world as a matter of duty.

4. 典据的反义词

4. 朱熹躬亲领导的编辑出版活动,以编刻载体为儒家典据嬗变奠定了基础;
    Zhu Xi led editorial and publishing action which laid a foundation for the change of Confucian Classics;

5. 典据什么意思

5. 不仅校读上有所典据,也发现不少的错字、错置。
    Next, lots of the wrong words and placement were found in it.
