兵卒[bīng zú]
[旧] soldiers; privates
1. pawn:而CHESS中的兵卒(PAWN)紧挨相对时是和平共处都不能动的,只有在斜前方同色格中有对方子时才能去吃,它会在每前进一步时威力大增并影响全局胜负,被公认为CHESS的灵魂.
2. mermi tsereg:兄 昆 djudju ahun | 弟 仲 oma deote duu | 兵 卒 mermi tsereg
1. 兵卒的翻译
1. 兵卒类残局是中国象棋残局中最简单也是最基本的。。。
Pawn end games are the most basic and simple end games in Chinese Chess.
2. 兵卒什么意思
2. 这时候,兵卒的作用越发显著,常常由一兵一卒而决定胜负。
Winning or losing is often determined by the difference of just one pawn.
3. 这时刚过三更天,忙碌了一天的兵卒和百姓们也都累坏了一个个横七竖八的倒在了城墙的顶上睡着了。
Then just three days, 兵卒busy day and the people who are tired of横七竖八a wall fell on top of the fell asleep.
4. 兵卒的意思
4. 家住伊达山脚的泽勒亚的兵卒
They that dwelt in Telea under the lowest spurs of Mt.
5. 911查询·英语单词
5. 雇用兵卒张三除掉两人。
Zhang San pawns employed to get rid of the two.
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6. 还损失了三十多个兵卒,最倒霉的是附近没有能够逃出来的村民也一并被新的围城围了进去。
Also a loss of more than 30兵卒, the most unlucky not to the vicinity of the villagers escaped a siege by the new Wai inside.
7. 兵卒,能征惯战的阿耳卡底亚军勇。
Him of his divine power of song, and thenceforth he could
8. 兵卒的意思
8. 带来六十条海船,满载着众多的兵卒,能征惯战的阿耳卡底亚军勇。凳板坚固的海船,供他们征服酒蓝色的大海。是的,是阿特柔斯之子给他们配备了海船,这些不会航海的内地人。
Many Arcadians, good soldiers, came in each one of them, but Agamemnon found them the ships in which to cross the sea, for they were not a people that occupied their business upon the waters.
9. 但希腊军散成小群,致使战车冲过之后兵卒未伤。
But the Greeks simply part into islands and the chariots charge through harmlessly.
10. 决战开始,华元命令羊斟把战车赶向郑军右方,兵力薄弱的地方,以便指挥宋军向这里突破,可是羊斟却反向而驰,将战车赶往郑军左方兵卒密集的地方。
When the decisive battle began, Hua Yuan ordered Yang Zhen to driver the chariot to the weak right flank of the Zheng army so that the Song army could make a breakthrough there but Yang Zhen drove the chariot in the oppsite direction to the left flank of the Zheng army where there was a large concentration of soldiers.
11. 我不会允许中产阶级家庭像围棋盘上的兵卒一样被威胁。
And I will not allow middle class families to be treated like pawns on a chessboard.
12. 兵卒的反义词
12. 你是否拿战场上行走的无名兵卒换取了一个囚在牢笼里的大人物?
And did you exchange A walk on part in a war, For a lead role in a cage?