

关饷[ɡuān xiǎnɡ]


关饷 网络解释

1. pay,wage,salary:remuneration报酬 | pay,wage,salary关饷 | wage index关饷指数

2. wages:价值value | 关饷wages | 关饷价格螺旋上升wage-price spiral

关饷 双语例句

1. 这个问题提纲契领,它逼你对一个敏锐的话题做出反应,假如你提一个过低的关饷,你就显患上没见地;过高了,那你又把自己的价位定患上过高或失去了讨价的机会。
    Therefore, I'd expect a salary at the high end of your pay range for the position classification.

2. 2一、问:做这份工作,你想要啥子样的关饷待遇?
    Q:What salary would you expect for this job?

3. 关饷什么意思

3. 起首你的关饷是月付,在服务一年后,有一个月的带薪假期。
    First, you'll be getting amonthly badge machine, with one month paid vacation after 1year of badge.

4. 关饷的反义词

4. 我wǒ喜欢在沐日时事情,因为这时的dē关饷算一倍半。
    I like to work on holidays because Iam on time and ahalf.

5. 关饷

5. 不过,他说,`弟兄们已经三个月没关饷,总得点缀点缀,好叫他们起劲
    But he also said: We haven't been paid for three months.

6. 最好就是反问雇用者,问他这个职位的关饷范围,然后让他对比你的学历程度和这个职位一般的要求作出思量
    Can you give me some indication of your range?

7. 关饷的解释

7. 这月又没关饷,这差事实在干不下去了。
    With no payment again this month, I cannot do this job any more.
