1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
1. 大多数座位内的多态位点间紧密连锁,座位间的连锁只在八面山地区检测到。
We amplified and sequenced these eight loci for 86 magagametphytes sampled from 86 individuals of 15 populations from the four regions.
2. 三峡库区位于大巴山弧形构造带与八面山弧形构造带的接合部,构造变形强烈,构造样式多样。
And its special tectonic conditions contribute to the development of the deep-thick-incompact slopes growing in Badong formation.
3. 911查询·英语单词
3. 标题 湖南省八面山银杉林的群落学分析。
Community analysis of Cathaya argyrophylla forest on the Bamianshan Mountain of Hunan Province.
4. 东北靠万洋山,东南临渚广山,西有八面山。
Northeast on Yangshan million, the South East Houzhu Pro-Canton Hill, West Hill has octahedron.