

八仙桌[bā xiān zhuō]

词典old-fashioned square table for eight people八仙桌。

八仙桌 汉英大词典

八仙桌[bā xiān zhuō]


old-fashioned square table for eight people

八仙桌 网络解释

1. square table:square stool 方凳 | square table 八仙桌 | square tablecloth 方台布

2. baxianzhuo,com:baoxiansuo,com 保险锁 | baxianzhuo,com 八仙桌 | chuaichuai,net 揣揣(揣揣不安)

3. Eight Immortals table for eight peole:wall system (墙板) | Eight Immortals table for eight peole 八仙桌 | end table 有抽屉茶几

八仙桌 双语例句

1. 这张旧的中国八仙桌是一件很珍贵的家具。
    This old Chinese square table is a very valuable piece of furniture.

2. 这张旧的中国八仙桌是一件很珍贵的家具。
    Eg. This old Chinese square table is a very valuable piece of furniture.

3. 来宾客家人的房屋都是大瓦房,传统的房屋为平房,厅堂分为上厅、下厅,中间为天井,上厅后面是储藏室,上厅正宗摆八仙桌、挂镜屏,镜屏上面是祖宗牌位。
    Hakka guests are big houses tile-roofed house, the traditional housing bungalows, divided into the upper room of the house hall, the next hall, in the middle of the courtyard behind the hall closet, put on the Office of authentic square table, hanging mirror screen, mirror screen above the is the ancestral tablets.

4. 既像古典的八仙桌,又是一件十分酷的现代茶桌。
    Since be like classic eight, again is a very cool modern tea table.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. 在中国一张传统的八仙桌通常可容八人就餐。
    In China, a traditional big square table usually dines eight persons.

6. 八仙桌是什么意思

6. 这张旧的中国八仙桌是一件很珍贵的家具。
    This old Chinese''.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 他们现在坐在一个方形的桌子边喝酒,这个方桌被叫做八仙桌
    They are now sitting at a square table drinking. That square table is called baxianzhuo in chinese.

8. 八仙桌的翻译

8. 在选定的黄道吉日的日子里,一览楼前,摆好方案,是六张大八仙桌拼成的桌上供上大香大烛,八盘瓜果。
    In selected on auspicious days and events in front of the building, prepare programme, six big picks up on the table for the big eight large fragrant candles, fruit plate.

9. 石家庄的茶馆带有浓厚的乡土味儿,档次高一点的八仙桌、靠背椅;档次低一点的,四方桌、长条登;瓜子一盘,花生米一碟,茶壶一把,茶碗一个,慢饮细品,十分开心。
    Shijiazhuang teahouse with strong local roots, the grade of higher八仙桌, armchair; lower grades, four table, a long board; a melon seeds, a dish of peanuts, a teapot, a teacup, slow drink fine chemicals, very happy.

10. 八仙桌的近义词

10. 比如这张八仙桌吧。
    Take this old-fashioned table for example.

11. 八仙桌

11. 艺人们还以本地的花榆木疙瘩、楸木、杏木为原料,雕制成炕桌、圆桌、八仙桌、案几等。
      Art was also a local flower knots elm, catalpa wood, almond wood as raw material, made of carved Kang tables, round tables, square table, which several levels.
