1. 全国一盘棋
1. The whole country is a single entity:The whole country is a single entity. 全国一盘棋. | consolidated entity 统一实体 | impersonal entity 法人单位
2. 全国一盘棋是什么意思
2. coordinating all the activities of the nation like moves in a chess game:13. 全国一盘棋 coordinating all the activities of the nation like moves in a chess game | 14. 盲目扩大建设规模、片面追求经济增长速度 recklessly expand the scale... | 15. 欲速则不达 end up just spinning ...
3. 全国一盘棋的解释
3. qgypq:欲速则不达yszbd | 全国一盘棋qgypq | 全国委员会qgwyh