入情入理[rù qíng rù lǐ]
词典be fair and reasonable:入情入理。
词典conform to the course of nature:顺乎天理;入情入理。
词典perfectly logical and reasonable:入情入理。
入情入理[rù qíng rù lǐ]
be fair and reasonable; conform to the course of nature; justifiable; perfectly logical and reasonable
1. 入情入理的反义词
1. 康米神父认为,那位比利时耶稣会会士所著《选民之人数》一书中的主张,还是入情入理的。
That book by the Belgian jesuit, Le Nombre des 蒷us, seemed to Father Conmee a reasonable plea.
2. 入情入理的翻译
2. 这主要表现在其诗构思奇巧新颖,开合自如而出奇制胜;抒情奇特细腻,流畅自然而匠心独用;比喻奇妙传神,入情入理而生动形象;语言奇峭练达,明白浅素而不落庸
The style is demonstrated through his ingenious conception, marvelous lyricism, unique imagery, and wonderful poetic diction.
3. 当然了,时至今日,我认识到这些忠告往往是大有益处、入情入理的。
After several lazy months at home, I was sent to Eton, one of the most famous English bys'schools.
4. 当然了,时至今日,我认识到这些忠告往往是大有益处、入情入理的。
Today, of course, I realize that his advice was always very good and sensible.
5. 人们所说的话;入情入理的话
Support of the people; unity and coordination within one`s own ranks
6. 他想起了他很久以前看到的哈德森湾湾公司的海图,现在,这一切对他来说完全是清清楚楚、入情入理的了。
He remembered the Hudson Bay Company chart he had seen long ago, and it was all clear and reasonable to him.
7. 他说话的语气入情入理,一点儿也没有气愤的样子。
His voice was reasonable, showed no anger.
8. 尽管我觉得这个解释很是入情入理,但墙上那古怪的形状仍然令我心烦意乱。
Although I thought that this was a very reasonable explanation, the strange shape on the wall still worried me.
9. 当她读到他提起她家里人的那一段时,其中措辞固然伤人感情,然而那一番责难却也入情入理,于是她越发觉得惭愧。
When she came to that part of the letter in which her family were mentioned, in terms of such mortifying yet merited reproach, her sense of shame was severe.
10. 论证热点问题是思政工作的主要平台入手,指出解决热点问题的关键是入情入理,避免强词夺理。
Discussing hot issues is the main platform of ideological and political work, it points the key to solving hot issues is reasonable, avoiding argument.
11. 她的建议入情入理。
Her suggestion is fair and just.
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12. 舞台上演绎出的故事,是那样的入情入理,环环相扣,有血有肉,真切感人。
The story played on the stage was that reasonable, consistent, vivid and touching.