

Grams of heart;
克心 双语例句

1. 克心的意思

1. 汽车小心翼翼地悄悄离开时,考兰特·范·杜伊钦克心里感到一种不同寻常的温暖,他几乎成了一个幸福的人。
    As the auto crept carefully away Cortlandt Van Duyckink felt an unaccustomed glow about his heart.

2. 看到这样的场面,露辛迪克心中的痛苦简直无法用语言形容,眼前这个被人想木偶一样玩弄摆布着的男人曾经推翻过一代王朝,改写了历史,他是她的挚爱,她的情人……这一切使她丧失了理智,尽管她清楚的知道树下的偷袭者有足够的力量可以杀掉她,她还是无法看着克里奇在临死的时候被人如此羞辱。
    For Lucidique it was agonizing beyond words to see her lover, a man who had brought down a dynasty, bobbing around like a ventriloquist's doll. It made her lose all reason. Though she knew the trespasser below had the physical power to kill her, she could not watch Kreiger's last moments played out as a humiliating puppet-show.

3. 哈克心里边合计着,边光着脚溜出去,像猫似的跟在那两人后头,离得不远不近,始终保持着能看见他们就行了。
    So communing with himself, Huck stepped out and glided along behind the men, cat-like, with bare feet, allowing them to keep just far enough ahead not to be invisible.

4. 阿烈克心里想,平白无故送点什么给柯拉一定很好玩。
    It would be fun, Alex thought, to give Cora something for no reason at all.
