

光晖 双语例句

1. 光晖的意思

1. 真正最令我们恐惧的是我们的光晖的一面,而非阴暗面。
    Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

2. 赵光晖的作品充分体现了艺术家对于现代科技的好奇,尤其是对于科技带来的更多未知的不确定的未来事物的好奇和揣测。
    Works of Zhao Guanghui fully demonstrates his curiosity on modern science and technology, especially on those unknown and uncertain things in future.

3. 杯子沐浴在灯下,相对显得明亮而温暖,仿佛放射着幸福的光晖
    Asang finished washing up, dried his hands and gingerly picked up the cup on the bar.

4. 余姚市光晖玻璃灯具厂,座落在浙东美丽的四明湖畔,是一家专业生产、工玻璃灯罩、璃灯饰工艺品、璃容器等产品的企业。
    Yuyao Guanghui Glass Lamp Plant, located on the beautiful Siming Lake in the east of Zhejiang Province, is a professional producer of glass lamps, glass lamp craftwork, glass containers and the like.

5. 有菩提树,高四百万里,其本周围五千由旬,枝叶四布二十万里,一切众宝自然合成,(华果敷荣,光晖遍照,复有红绿青白),诸摩尼宝,众宝之王,以为瓔珞,(云聚宝鏁,餙诸宝柱,金珠铃铎),周匝条间,珍妙宝网,罗覆其上,百千万色。
    Again, in the Bodhimand/Way-place/temple, the Bodidrumas--the Bodhi-tree is four million li in height and five thousand yojanas in circumference at its base.
