

先声夺人[xiān shēng duó rén]

词典His name is enough to strike terror in people's hearts.先声夺人。


词典forestall one's opponent [competitor] by a show of strength


词典One's prestige suffices to frighten others.先声夺人。

词典overawe others by displaying one's strength先声夺人。

先声夺人 汉英大词典

先声夺人[xiān shēng duó rén]

His name is enough to strike terror in people's hearts.; forestall one's opponent [competitor] by a show of strength; One's prestige suffices to frighten others.; overawe others by displaying one's strength:


    The news had apparently been aimed at stealing the thunder from his visit.

先声夺人 网络解释

1. 先声夺人的意思

1. All rise:11. Ba la la li巴拉拉里 | 13. All rise先声夺人 | 14. Brazil slowly shaking巴西慢摇

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. Score, the:Schindler's List 辛德勒的名单 | Score, the 先声夺人 | Scrooge 小气财神

3. strength:over the city 遍及全国 | strength. 先声夺人 | packed house 爆满

4. An rise:03.Quit playing game停止游戏 | 04.An rise先声夺人 | 05.We will rock you我们要摇滚
