

储君[chǔ jūn]

词典crown prince王储;储君;皇太子,皇储。

储君 汉英大词典

储君[chǔ jūn]

crown prince

储君 双语例句

1. 在第二部分,主要论述三杨充当帝师的特殊职责,即他们用儒家典籍对皇帝和储君进行启沃讲读,助益学问,培育其道德精神和治国理念,使其熟谙封建治道,以及由此对帝王产生的影响。
    And meantime, their effect to it is assessed. At the second section, mainly describes the role of theirs as a royal teacher which teaches and reades to the emperor or prince, for helping them to clutch ruling method and the thought of the RuJia, and anylyses the influence upon them.

2. 玛丽。安唐妮是奥地利女大公玛丽亚。德利撒的女儿。她母亲和法王路易十五为了巩固法奥联盟,协议把她嫁给法国储君,当时她才十四岁。
    Daughter of the Austrian Archduchess Maria Theresa, Marie Antoinette was only 14 when her mother and Louis XV of France sealed their Franco-Austrian alliance by giving her in marriage to the Frenth Dauphin.

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3. 他们怎么知道我有意更换储君
    How did they know that I want to change the heir to the throne?

4. 北齐储君的建立与皇位继承问题密切相关;
    The establishment of crown princes and the succession to the throne were closely related.

5. 你知道,他会成为储君的。
    He could become the heir to the throne, you know.

6. 你需要懂得爱的储君
    You need an heir who knows how to love.

7. 他对巴拉巴的长子和希律的储君能同眼看待而无动于衷。
    It would not have embarrassed him to bring together the Dauphin of Barabbas and the Dauphin of Herod.

8. 那对新婚夫妇被带到前。那张事先获兰斯大主祝福。但储君比玛丽。
    The young couple was conducted to their bed, which had been blessed by the Archbishop of Reims.

9. 如是,当马可17岁的时候,成为罗马帝国的储君
    Thus, by the age of seventeen, marcus arelius had becaome the heir apparent to the imperial throne of rome.
