

偷香窃玉[tōu xiāng qiè yù]

词典indulge in secret [illicit] relations with women

词典have illicit sexual relations偷香窃玉。

词典pick up loose women偷香窃玉。

偷香窃玉 汉英大词典

偷香窃玉[tōu xiāng qiè yù]

indulge in secret [illicit] relations with women; have illicit sexual relations; pick up loose women

偷香窃玉 网络解释

1. 偷香窃玉的近义词

1. Any Wednesday:Antitrust 夺命联机 | Any Wednesday 偷香窃玉 | Anzio 登陆安其奥

偷香窃玉 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 他们两个早就偷香窃玉,暗自私通了。
    They have long indulged in illicit sexual relations.

2. 四个人挤在车里,兴奋地交谈,好像是去做偷香窃玉的妙事。
    Four people crowded in the car, excited conversation, as if it is the murderer burglary Miao Yu matter.

3. 偷香窃玉是什么意思

3. 四个人挤在车里,兴奋地交谈,好像是去做偷香窃玉的妙事。
    Four individuals crowded in the car, talking excitedly, it is like the Miao Yu-da burglary matter.

4. 10,再者,大半风月故事,不过偷香窃玉,暗约私奔而已,并不曾将儿女之真情发泄一二。想这一干人入世,其情痴色鬼,贤愚不肖者,悉与前人传述不同矣。
    Y:..... besides, most breeze and moonlight tales deal with secret assignations and elopements, and have never really expressed the true love between a young man and a girl.

5. 偷香窃玉的近义词

5. 围绕一个中年家庭主妇如何企图惩罚她爱偷香窃玉的丈夫。
    The novel focuses on a middle-aged housewife's attempts to punish her philandering husband.
