1. 就停丧五天,到了第六天,她仍一筹莫展,就将母亲葬在自己的头上,因此,她就得到了冠毛,大家都说这是她母亲的坟山。
She left her mother lying for five days. On the sixth day, she had no way out and bury her mother in her own head. So she got her crest, which is popularly said to be her mother's grave-hillock.
2. 就停丧五天,到了第六天,她仍一筹莫展,就将母亲葬在自己的头上,因此,她就得到了冠毛,大家都说这是她母亲的坟山。
As there was no earth, she could find for her no place of burial. She left her mother lying for five days. On the sixth day, she had no way out and bury her mother in her own head.