

偏巧[piān qiǎo]



词典it so happened that刚巧;偏巧;赶巧;偶然,碰巧。

词典as luck would have it可巧;幸运地;不幸地;无巧不成书。


词典by chance碰巧;偶然地,意外地;无意之中;偏巧。


偏巧 汉英大词典

偏巧[piān qiǎo]

it so happened that; as luck would have it; by chance; fortunately:


    It happened that he was not there that day.


    We were looking for her when she turned up.

偏巧 网络解释

1. unluckily:unloadtakeoffUnload 卸 | unluckily 偏巧 | unmachinable 不能机械加工的

偏巧 双语例句

1. 不幸的是,在他丢了工作的那天,他们家又偏巧遭人偷窃。
    By an unfortunate coincidence, their house was burgled on the day he lost his job.

2. 偏巧是什么意思

2. 这要放在以往倒也罢了,偏巧吴洪声这台设在常州的服务器,在遭受黑客攻击的时候被当地电信部门检测到异常的网间流量,从而启动应急机制,将IP一封了之。
    This should be put in also stopped before, unluckily Wu Hongsheng is set this in the server of Changzhou, be detected by local telegraphic branch when sufferring a hacker to atttack the discharge between unusual net, start lash-up mechanism thereby, IP one sealed.

3. 我们正在找她,偏巧她来了。
    We were looking for her when she turned up.

4. 我正要去找他,偏巧,他来了。
    I was just going to see him when, as luck would have it, he turned up.

5. 偏巧我把书放在家里了。
    I have left the book at home.

6. 偏巧命运帮助了我们的朋友。
    As it happened, Fortune stood our friend.

7. 1偏巧我把书放在家里了。
    No matter what happens, I will stand with you.

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8. 他经不起想要偏巧的诱惑。
    He could not resist the temptation to steal.

9. 偏巧

9. 我找他有事,偏巧他不在。
    I went to see him about something, but as it happens he was out.

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10. 结果兴冲冲在BLOGGER注册了之后,发现它把链接加载在BLOGSPOT上,而偏巧那个网页被校园网block掉,无法链接。
    It bestows on me a different character everytime I use it, or let me be more specific, it creats a new personality within me the moment I start to submerge inside the soft flow of that language.

11. 他偏巧那天不在。
      As luck would have it, he was away that day.

12. 他所宠爱的情妇竟偏巧是美神,在她的怀抱里,这位武士得到了安宁。
      His loved one and mistress is the goddess of beauty herself. In her arms the warrior finds repose.

13. 偏巧的近义词

13. 我找他两次,偏巧都不在家。
      I called at his house twice, but he happened to be out each time.

14. 偏巧什么意思

14. 偏巧那天他不在。
      It happened that he was not there that day.

15. 偏巧在线翻译

15. 菲比得了麻疹,偏巧海军男友这时过来与她相聚,不但没嫌弃她丑陋,反而跑过来很热情地吻她。菲比说这是她得过的最浪漫的疾病了。
      PHOEBE: Ok, this is the most romantic disease I've ever had.

16. 饥饿驱使他去偏巧
      Hunger drove him to steal.

17. 于是他马上申请退会&偏巧在那天晚上,法官忽然因旧病复发而死。
      He handed in his resignation at once-and that night the Judge suffered a relapse and died.

18. 偏巧她很会说斯瓦希里语。
      It happened/chanced that she spoke fluent Swahili.

19. 天黑得很快,偏巧这天又是下弦月,月亮不会很快升起。
      As the night was fast falling, the moon, being past the full, would not rise early.

20. 偏巧的意思

20. 她偏巧很会说西班牙语。
      She chanced to speak fluent Spanish.
