

偈语 双语例句

1. 前朝发展起来的各种文体,如诗、词、曲、歌、谣、谚、赞、诔、偈语、辞赋、联额、书启、灯谜、酒令、骈文等等,都在这一巨著中有所引用,仅以其中的诗体而言,就有五绝、七绝、五律、七律,有咏怀的、咏物的、即事的、即景的、怀旧的、打油的,有限题的、限韵的、限诗体的等等,极其丰富多彩。
    This book is not only for the richness of its content but also for its successful incorporating with almost all the techniques of literary merit developed in the previous period.

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2. 圆觉禅师在二○一三年春坐化前,留给他一张偈语
    Later, both he and his master meditated in solitude for 3 years.

3. 至少还有约600人所说的偈语,与西伯利亚的任何一种语言都截然不同。
    The Ket language, still spoken by about 600 of the Ket, is entirely different than any other language in Siberia.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 有一天,他在一个山洞里打坐,突然听到洞外人声鼎沸,他立刻记起偈语中的「闻声则起」。
    Getting up he concealed himself behind the rich vegetation at the mouth of the cave.

5. 例如,布鲁刹斯基语的不及物动词第二人称单数前缀是,而偈语中是。
    For example, second-person singular prefixes on intransitive verbs are in Burushaski and in Ket.

6. 偈语在线翻译

6. 你要信受世尊受所说的偈语,并且每次当我要吃东西时,为我读诵一遍,如果你愿意这麼做,我就每天馈赠你一百块钱。
    And I will set up for you a permanent offering of a hundred kahaapanas every day."

7. 看到一句偈语感觉的话,记下来
    No one dare to disturb the sound of silence......
