

假仁假义[jiǎ rén jiǎ yì]



词典don a pious mask假仁假义。

词典pretend to be the [a] paragon of virtue

词典sham [pretended] benevolence and righteousness

假仁假义 汉英大词典

假仁假义[jiǎ rén jiǎ yì]

don a pious mask; hypocrisy; pretend to be the [a] paragon of virtue; sham [pretended] benevolence and righteousness; sham kindness and goodness

假仁假义 双语例句

1. 啊,他们在公共广场上进行着拍卖,一直搞到傍晚。拍卖拖啊,拖啊,一直在拖下去。那个老头儿亲自到场,站在台上主持拍卖的人身边,神情十分虔诚,不时插进去引一小段《圣经》上的话,或是几句假仁假义的话。公爵呢,也在旁边咕咕咕地叫,想方设法引起人家对他表示同情,并且借这个机会,好叫自己出出风头。
    Well, they held the auction in the public square, along towards the end of the afternoon, and it strung along, and strung along, and the old man he was on hand and looking his level pisonest, up there longside of the auctioneer, and chipping in a little Scripture now and then, or a little goody-goody saying of some kind, and the duke he was around goo-gooing for sympathy all he knowed how, and just spreading himself generly.

2. 假仁假义

2. 我不相信他的话,他假仁假义/矫揉造作的笑容令我恶心。
    I don`t trust him. He is always on the make and his artificial smiles make me sick.

3. 你知道什么比假仁假义的说教更糟吗?
    You know what's worse than a sanctimonious speech?

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 这一部分西方人是自以为是的,假仁假义的,自恋于自己的行为和思想的。
    These are westerners who are self-righteous, holier-than-thou and blind to their own actions and thoughts.

5. 她是个自私自利,假仁假义的女人。我瞧不起她
    She is a selffish, hypocritical woman, and I have no opinion of her.

6. 假仁假义的解释

6. 要不是他那假仁假义的态度,我是能够容忍他那些具体的批评的。
    I could put up with his specific criticisms if it were not for his holier-than-thou attitude.

7. 假仁假义

7. 一场假仁假义的财政美德疫情正在整个欧洲地区蔓延,并迅速将一系列不协调的财政紧缩,转变成一场横扫欧元区的萎缩,这将对增长和就业造成可怕的影响。
    An epidemic of holier-than-thou fiscal virtue is spreading throughout Europe and is fast transforming a series of uncoordinated fiscal retrenchments into a euro-wide contraction with dire implications for growth and employment.

8. 她是个自私自利、假仁假义的女人,我睢不起她。
    She is a selfish, hypocritical woman, and I have no opinion of her.

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9. “我才不在乎呢!”丈夫怒气冲冲地回答,“咱们心里想的都一样,要不是假仁假义地装蒜,你也会实话实说。”
    " I don't care!" retorted the angry man. " it's the way you feel, and if you weren't so immorally pious you'd be honest and say so. "

10. 她甚至还写信给吉英道贺,又把从前那一套假仁假义的话重提了一遍。
    She wrote even to Jane on the occasion, to express her delight, and repeat all her former professions of regard.

11. 要不是他那假仁假义的态度,我是能够容忍他那些具体的批评的。
      I could put with his specific criticisms if it were not for his holier-than-thou attitude.

12. 假仁假义的近义词

12. 哈里顿先生,还有你们这一帮人,请放明白点:我拒绝你们所表示的一切假仁假义
      Mr Hareton, and the whole set of you, will be good enough to understand that I reject any pretence at kindness you have the hypocrisy to offer!

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

13. 人们对新生事物视而不见,对时代潮流竭力抗拒;他们在道德上圆滑世故虚情假意,他们生活的世界是一个流言蜚语、爱情阴谋和假仁假义的世界。
      People ignore new things deliberately and resist the trend of times; and they are experienced, worldly and hypocritical in morality, who live in a world of rumors, love intrigues and hypocrisies.

14. “我才不在乎呢!”丈夫怒气冲冲地回答,“咱们心里想的都一样,要不是假仁假义地装蒜,你也会实话实说。”
      " I don't care!" retorted the angry man. " it's the way you feel, and if you weren't so immorally pious you'd be honest and say so. "
