

Tired tired;
倦烦 双语例句

1. 11因此,不用叹息,不要心里说:黑暗将长久,令人永久的倦烦,不要心里说我用这黑暗降灾于你。
    Sigh not, therefore, neither be moved; and say not in your heart that this darkness is long and drags on wearily; and say not in your heart that I plague you with it.

2. 如同其他大的首都城市一样,伦敦几个世纪以来一直是干百万人忙碌生活的中心,这种活力创造了生活在18世纪的约翰逊博士认为的不会使伦敦人有一点倦烦的多姿多彩的生活。
    Like any large capital city, London has been the centre of the bustling lives of millions for several centuries, and this energy creates the varied activity which Dr Johnson in the18th century believed should prevent a Londoner from ever being tired or bored.
