

借题发挥[jiè tí fā huī]

词典seize on some pretext or other to distort借题发挥。

词典give vent to one's pent-up feelings on some extraneous pretext借题发挥。


词典make an issue of做文章;借题发挥;小题大做,夸大其事。

词典make use of a subject as a pretext for one's drawnout talk借题发挥。

借题发挥 汉英大词典

借题发挥[jiè tí fā huī]


seize on some pretext or other to distort; give vent to one's pent-up feelings on some extraneous pretext; make an issue of; make use of a subject as a pretext for one's drawnout talk; make use of the subject under discussion to put over one's own ideas; p

借题发挥 网络解释

1. Word Seeds:1.故事重编Strip Stories | 2.借题发挥Word Seeds | 3.家谱图AFamilyTree

2. 借题发挥

2. to make the best use of a subject to put across one's point:借花献佛 present Buddha with flowers from others (to make a gift given by another) | 借题发挥 to make the best use of a subject to put across one's point | 比上不足,比下有余 way above average

3. 借题发挥的近义词

3. give vent to one's pent-up feelings on some extraneous pretext:342. 借刀殺人 do harm to s.o. through the hands of another; | 343. 借題發揮 give vent to one's pent-up feelings on some extraneous pretext | 344. 借花獻佛 make presents provided by someone else
