



借住 网络解释

1. 借住在线翻译

1. Loan:Endure持续 | Loan借住 | Dwell居住

借住 双语例句

1. 您是否能让我借住一晚呢?
    Will you give me a night's lodging?

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 这就是我麼这两天借住的房间。
    This is the room where we were staying for 2 days.

3. 我们让你借住一夜。
    We`ll put you up for the night.

4. 你怎么可以和借住我家的女人上床!他告诉你了?
    I can't believe that you have had sex with the woman staying in my house!

5. 两个正在旅行的天使打算在一个富有的家庭借住一晚。
    Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family.

6. 借住的解释

6. 能不能在你那借住一晚?
    Can I crash at your place tonight?

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. 她不但让我借住还帮我办了这个晚会庆祝我的离开
    Who not only put me up, she threw this soiree in celebration of my departure.

8. 借住的反义词

8. 这次丛林之火借住着风威烧遍内华达州的Reno市西部地区达5,000英亩。
    This wind-driven brush fire burning west of Reno, Nevada exploded to more than 5, 000 acres.

9. 22岁那年,刚从L.A。回台湾发展的吴建豪,除了区区1200元美金一无长物,四处借住跟朋友挤、常睡沙发,三个月后受不了,哭著打越洋电话说想回去,妈妈要至少待一年把中学好。
    Years old, just returned from LA to return to Taiwan for the development of Vanness Wu, in addition to a mere 1, 200 yuan a free stripped of their possessions outside the U. S., staying with friends crowded around often sleep sofa, after three months can not stand, cried to fight a long-distance telephone, saying that they want to go back mother wanted him to wait at least a year to learn Chinese.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. 他让我想起中国传统绘画中米芾和龚贤的风景画,李路明借住云来表现过去的记忆,而实际上他描绘的是一种心象风景。
    He reminds me of two traditional Chinese painters Mi Fu and Gong Xian. Using clouds as a metaphor to explore his past memories, Li is in fact painting a scenery of his inner realm.

11. 借住

11. 下周四我能在你那里借住一晚吗?
      Can you put me up next Thursday night?

12. 借住的翻译

12. 你能让我借住一宿吗?
      Could you put me up for the night?

13. 借住什么意思

13. 在莫斯科七天期间,蕾奥诺拉让我们借住她陈设美丽的公寓(她住在附近的父母家),而且她休了一星期的假,好当我们的私人导游。
      Leonora loaned us her beautifully furnished apartment during our seven days in Moscow (she stayed nearby with her parents), and she took a week's vacation so she could be our personal tour guide.

14. 借住的意思

14. 你只能借住朋友家。
      You have to stay with friends.

15. 我可以到你家借住吗?
      Can I stay at your place?

16. 借住是什么意思

16. 现在他们无家可归,每晚都在不同的朋友和亲戚家借住
      Now, they are homeless, staying each night with a different friend or relative.

17. 我借住她家一个房间,交换条件是教她英语。
      I gave her English lessons in exchange for a room in her house.

18. 她不断在不同的亲戚家借住,最后回到了自己父亲身边。
      She bounced among various relatives before returning to her father.

19. 借住是什么意思

19. 他还表示,自己也有许多朋友从天南地北来他这里借住,游玩。
      He said he, too, had friends coming over and living with him when they visited his city.

20. 借住的解释

20. 你要么就借住朋友家,要么就住在教堂,后一种方法越来越普遍。
      Well, you have to either stay with friends or, now increasingly, you can stay with the church.
