



词典fall head over heals

倒栽葱 网络解释

1. hand over heels:hand over fist 多而快地赚钱 | hand over heels 倒栽葱 | tooth for tooth 以牙还牙

2. k. face plant:j. aggressive 強勢 | k. face plant 倒栽蔥 | l. straight gliding 直綫滑降

3. 倒栽葱什么意思

3. headlong:20. tumble 摔倒,跌倒 | 21. headlong 倒栽葱 | 22. shattered 摔破的

4. to a face-plant:Neolithic age 新石器时代 | to a face-plant 倒栽葱 | ceiling fan 吊扇

倒栽葱 双语例句

1. 爸爸就是这么滔滔不绝,可就是从没有想一想自己那两条有气无力的老腿把他带到了何方,这样,他给腌猪肉的木桶一绊,就翻倒在地,闹了个倒栽葱,两条小腿也给擦伤了。
    He hopped around the cabin considerable, first on one leg and then on the other, holding first one shin and then the other one, and at last he let out with his left foot all of a sudden and fetched the tub a rattling kick.

2. 爸爸就是这么滔滔不绝,可就是从没有想一想自己那两条有气无力的老腿把他带到了何方,这样,他给腌猪肉的木桶一绊,就翻倒在地,闹了个倒栽葱,两条小腿也给擦伤了。这样一来,话便说得越来越火辣辣的――主要是冲着黑奴和政府说的,间或也冲木桶骂上几句,就这样东说说,西说说,没个完。
    Pap was agoing on so he never noticed where his old limber legs was taking him to, so he went head over heels over the tub of salt pork and barked both shins, and the rest of his speech was all the hottest kind of language -- mostly hove at the nigger and the govment, though he give the tub some, too, all along, here and there.

3. 几年前股票市场在 10月13日来了个倒栽葱
    The stock market took a real nose dive that October 13th a few years ago.

4. 他走得那样快,把一个老人撞了个倒栽葱
    He was so fast that he knocked an old man head over heels.

5. 他从马上倒栽葱地摔了下来。
    He fell neck and crop off the horse.

6. 接着扑通一声,他发觉自己一个倒栽葱地掉进了深水里。
    And, splash! He found himself head over ears in deep water.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 现在我和这位诗魁撞上了,撞了一个倒栽葱
    Now I had ventured into the ring with the poet-champion, and had been flipped head over heels.

8. 他走到舞台边缘,不停地假装要倒栽葱摔下来。
    He walked close to the edge and kept pretending he was about to topple forward.

9. 我把他打了个倒栽葱
    I knocked him head over heels.

10. 我宁肯从六层楼上倒栽葱跳下去!
    I should prefer to throw myself head first on the pavement from the fifth story!

11. 跨年度行情继续进行中——股市早8点2009年11月26日周三每日开盘必读 1、美元指数倒栽葱,黄金期货旱地拔葱美国感恩节前美元全盘走低,众多因素打压美元。。。。
      Quotes to continue with the multi-year - the stock market as early as 8:00 November 26, 2009 Wednesday opened a daily must-read one, the US dollar index Daozai Cong, gold futures pull dry onions before Thanksgiving, the US dollar an overall lower number of factors weighing on the dollar...

12. 倒栽葱的解释

12. 当然,Deathmask把他像一个破烂布娃娃般的在黄泉坡上肆意摔打,还倒栽葱似的摔他,可是他还是能够以升龙的怒吼而化险。
      Sure, Deathmasktossed him around the hill like some torn-up rag doll and slammed him on his head, but he was able to escape with the wrath of rising dragon.

13. 倒栽葱的近义词

13. 这个顽皮的小男孩失去了平衡,倒栽葱跌出窗外。
      The naughty little boy lost his balance, and pitched out of the window head first.

14. 倒栽葱在线翻译

14. 他倒栽葱摔下楼梯。
      He fell head first down the stairs.

15. 倒栽葱的意思

15. 他倒栽葱地掉进河里,全身湿透了。
      He went head first into the river and got a thorough wetting.

16. 绳子也弄断了,驴子倒栽葱似的掉进河里。
      The rope was also broken and the donkey fell head over heels into the river.

17. 倒栽葱是什么意思

17. 飞机引擎失灵,一个倒栽葱掉到海里了。
      The engine failed and the plane fell headlong into the sea.

18. 他一个趔趄,摔了个倒栽葱
      He staggered and fell headlong.

19. 倒栽葱

19. 小玛丽摔了个倒栽葱后,哭闹了十分钟。
      Little Marry carried on for ten minutes after she fell headlong.

20. 她跑进屋内看见那农夫的脚正朝向烟囱,而头倒栽葱地栽在锅子里。
      She ran in and saw the farmer with his legs up the chimney and his head in the cooking pot.
