




俯允 双语例句

1. 她和情人的关系完全颠倒过来了,现在轮到她俯允施惠,不再仰人鼻息了。
    She was realising now what it was to be petted.

2. 那时,他们还未呼求,我已答应了;他们还在祈祷,我已俯允了。
    Before they call, I will answer; while they are yet speaking, I will hearken to them.

3. 俯允什么意思

3. 因为经上说:`在悦纳的时候,我俯允了你;在救恩的时日,我帮助了你。
    For he says:"In an acceptable time 3 I heard you, and on the day of salvation I helped you.

4. 国王俯允读我的信。
    The King deigned to read my letter.

5. 我几时呼号你,你就俯允我,并将我灵魂上的力量增多。
    When I cried out, you answered; you strengthened my spirit.

6. 俯允的解释

6. 愿上主在忧患之日,俯允你,雅各伯天主的名,保佑你!
    The LORD answer you in time of distress; the name of the God of Jacob defend you!

7. 你只要与一位深知此真相的人一起祈祷,必会得到俯允
    To pray with one who knows that this is true is to be answered.

8. 但我一呼求你,你即刻俯允我的呼声哀叹。
    Yet you heard my plea, when I cried out to you.

9. 当他还在血肉之身时,以大声哀号和眼泪,向那能救他脱离死亡的天主,献上了祈祷和恳求,就因他的虔敬而获得了俯允
    Who in the days of his flesh, with a strong cry and tears, offering up prayers and supplications to him that was able to save him from death, was heard for his reverence.

10. 俯允

10. 调动工作一事,恳请俯允
    Please grant my job transfer.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 愿他俯允你们的祈祷,怜恤你们,在患难中不离弃你们!
      May he hear your prayers and be reconciled with you, and not abandon you in time of misfortune.

12. 主啊,求你俯允保守我们,在这个晚上不陷于罪恶。
      Grant, Lord, this day to keep us without sin.

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13. 国王俯允读我的信。
      The king deigned to read my letter.

14. 哀恳上主,上主便俯允了他的祈求,垂听了他的哀祷,使他归回耶路撒冷,恢复了他的王位;默纳舍这才知道只有上主是天主。
      And he entreated him, and besought him earnestly: and he heard his prayer, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom, and Manasses knew that the Lord was God.

15. 俯允

15. 哀恳上主,上主便俯允了他的祈求,垂听了他的哀祷,使他归回耶路撒冷,恢复了他的王位;默纳舍这才知道只有上主是天主。
      2 And prayed to him. The LORD let himself be won over: he heard his prayer and restored him to his kingdom in Jerusalem. Then Manasseh understood that the LORD is indeed God.
