


词典ride withlax reins信马游缰。

信马游缰 双语例句

1. 今天依然是在这个城市,比起几年前成熟了许多,懂得付出,懂是珍惜---但依然剩下我自己,以前的同学,朋友基本上都已成家立业,幸福快乐的生活着,哪里像自己天南地北,信马游缰似的一副玩世不恭,永远活自己狭小的理想世界里,避开尔吾我诈,逃避争执困难的没有半点长进,眼高手低,无所作为。
    Today is still in this city, compared several years ago mature many, understood pays, understands is treasures ---, but was still left over me, beforehand schoolmate, the friend basically got married and began a career, the happy joyful life, where elephant were far apart, believing one which Ma Youjiang resembled to look down on the world, forever lived in the narrow and small ideal world, avoided I I to cheat, the escape dispute difficult did not have the least bit to progress, has grand plans but little skill, accomplishes nothing.
